Changbin x Chan-> you're perfect

Start from the beginning

Today they would need to perform their song on a big even and could even get some awards this evening. Everything on the preparations went well and everyone was weary hyped for their performance, but as they saw Changbin they wanted to cancel the evening.
The nice stylist for Changbin was ill and another took her shift. She didn't really knew about Changbins problems and gave him a more tight outfit without thinking of it. And now every member could see how much Changbin changed. He kind of lost all his muscles and was as thin as Felix.

Chan tried to pull him aside to have a word with him, but they needed to go onto stage. No one had a good feeling about this night. Changbins legs were shaking, as he climbed up the stage, staring their song.

For the first song everything went fine, but as the next song started Changbin became more shaky. After his part he couldn't get enough air. His legs gave out and everything went black. The members stopped dancing and quickly build a wall infront of Changbin, so the cameras couldn't film him.
Staff ran up the stage and tried to gave him some water, but Chan waved them away. He was angry on himself, that he didn't watch his little enough. He as leader should've done more and his tight scedule wasn't an excuse.

As he lifted Changbin up, he noticed how light he was. The other members were trembling and Felix was crying. He held onto Minhos shirt and let the tears fall.
The audience was so quiet, you could hear it if someone would've let a needle fall. After the fans recovered, some of them begann to ask if Changbin would be okay, but no one could tell them he would.

Changbin was transported to the nearest hospital. The doctors said that he had been suffering from a very dangerous eating disorder and needed much time and care to get back up and come to terms with food again.  He barely survived and if he did this for another month, the chances would've looked really bad for him.

"Changbin?" Chan whispered as he entered the hospital room. Changbin was laying awake on the bed and was crying.

"Binnie sowwie!" Changbin cried and clung his hands onto the thin blanket.

"It's okay binnie. Channie is here and he isn't angry. We will get everything normal again, but Binnie needs to promise Hyung that he never does that again." Changbin nodded and held his pinky out. Chan smiled as the little pinky promised to him.

"Binnie hunwie!" The little whined and cramped as his tummy growled. Chan quickly called one of the members and ordered them to get something to eat for the little.

"Let's eat something and then sleep a bit, yeah?" The little nodded and tried to move over a bit, but his body still hurt from the fall.  Before he could start to cry, Chan already leaned himself a bit over and hugged the younger. Then the door flew up and a panting Jeongin stood at the entrance. He handed Changbin the bag with some sandwiches and filled rice triangles. He gave Changbin a quick hug, before he left again, wanting to give the older some space.

Little Binnie was happy as he saw all the food and began eating it all, but after the third sandwich and his first rice triangle, he was full, to full. He felt everything come up again and wanted to get out of bed, but Chan held him back. He slapped a hand over his mouth and grabbed a water bottle with his free hand.

"Binnie, slowly breathe in and out with me and drink something." Chan tried his best to make sure the food stayed in Changbins belly and after some minutes the little stopped trashing around and looked at Chan with doe eyes.

"Better?" Chan asked and sat on the side of the bed, ruffling trough Changbins hair. The younger nodded and snuggled a bit against Chan.

The next day Changbin woke up and knew immediately that he ate something. He tried to get out of the bed, but Chans arm was holding him back. The leader was looking at him with sleepy eyes.

"Bin, can we please talk?" Changbin shook his head, but Chan didn't even think of letting this slide.

"Enough Changbin. I want us to talk! I want to help you, but I can't if you always try to get away. I know that you have an eating disorder, but I don't know since when and how it started. I want to know everything and I will know everything sooner or later. So please talk with me..." Chan pleaded. Changbin sighed. He knew that it would only help if he would talk to his caregiver.

"The comment... when I was thinner they nearly disappeared." Was the only thing he managed to get out.

"Oh binnie, why didn't you tell me sooner? You're so perfect, no matter how you look! This little shits are only jealous of your perfect body. They will always say that we don't look good or some other things, but I know that here are people that know me really and I won't give this up for some random people who don't even know me. And I want you to do the same." Changbin sniffeled and tried to hug Chan, but he nearly screamed in pain.

"Hey. Binnie, we will eat something and then we will talk to the other members. I already call jyp and he insisted that we take a break for four months, since the doctor said that it will take time for you to get back to eating normal again and come to terms with the food.
They would release some of our already finished songs and we wouldn't have to worry about anything. The others could also use a break. So how does it sound. We travel somewhere nice and get you back to your old figure?" Changbin nodded. He knew that he wanted his old body figure back, for which he worked so hard. He knew that it wouldn't be done in four months, but now everyone got the break they needed.

Did you see SKZ talker today? CHANGBIN LOOKS SO FREAKING GOOD! Okay sorry, but when he flexed I threw my phone away🤦🏼‍♀️

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