Jungkook once again making eye contact with one of the servers before standing up and excusing himself to dissappear.

Yoongi sat there a little nervous and unsure, eyes widening as suddenly someone else sat down on the opposite of him.

Brown dyed hair, serious looking face and a long breather leaving his mouth.

Now that Yoongi looked closer at him, he recognized this guy.

"You may recognize me. I'm working for Mr. Jeon. Listen to me right now while he's busy. You're causing a lot of problems right now. Not only for Mr. Jeon but also for all of us who work for him. He's missing his meetings, is late to schedules and isn't as focused as he usually was all thanks to you. I'm not saying it's your fault but you're simply the cause of it. I know that he seems to have his eyes on you but don't fall for it."

Yoongi just stared at the taller absolutely speechless, looking a bit around unsure what to do or say.

"But.. Namjoon right? You see I'm not trying to fall for him, he's just keeping me safe-"

"That's it. He's not keeping you safe Yoongi. You remember those two guys breaking in the apartment don't you?"


"He's the one who gave them the information. He just wanted to save you and seem like the hero in front of you. He's just using them to look good in front of you and he had planned another one of those acts today. This seems absolutely ridiculous I know but please trust me, just leave him, don't get attached, don't trust him even if he seems to keep you safe."

He lied?
Jungkook lied to him?
That didn't seem right.

Jungkook wouldn't lie to him would he?

Yoongi said nothing just watching how Namjoon quickly left again, and not even a minute after Jungkook sat down again and stared at him.

Would Jungkook really do such a thing?
Pretend to save him. Pretend to be the hero to gain Yoongis trust?

If Namjoon spoke the truth, then something would happen that day.
If something happened and Jungkook would once again safe him, he could be sure that this all was actually just set up by the taller.

The food was alright.
A bit too fancy for his liking. He didn't have to pay but it still wasn't worth the money in his opinion.

Hand on Jungkooks jacket, just following the taller who kept walking with him somewhere.

In front of a small store, Jungkook looking through a window and then pulling Yoongi to the side.


He didn't say anything else, just leaving to go inside even if Yoongi first didn't let him go.

Standing at the side, slowly leaning down and hugging his knees when he heard some talking, some guys walking towards him, gaze on the cat boy.

How unfair it was.
He decided to trust the taller.
He decided that Jungkook was his safe space, and he did such a awful thing to make sure Yoongi would trust him even more and give in to him easier.

He just kept sitting there even when they stood around him and did absolutely nothing.
He really felt betrayed.

It didn't even surprise him when Jungkook suddenly showed up again to beat them.
Yoongi just casually stood up, walking away from the whole scene and leaving when he suddenly felt a strong grip on his arm.

"Where are you going?"

Jungkooks voice in his head, yet he said nothing and only pulled his arm back, continuing to walk away from the taller.

"Yoongi. Hey!" His voice a bit louder, grabbing Yoongis arm to again stop the smaller from just walking away.

"Let me go Jungkook."

"Are you scared? If you need to you can-"

"No! I'm not scared and I don't need anything from you Jungkook! Just leave me be. I seriously don't wanna take your bullshit anymore." Yoongi finally said turning around to look at the taller.

A intense gaze once again on Yoongi, Jungkooks eyes displaying a bit of anger and annoyance.

"You can't just leave. You need me to protect you Yoongi. Don't you understand?" his grip only tightening, Yoongi trying to get away from him only to fail.

"I don't.. Jungkook let me go!"

No answer however, Jungkook instead pulling Yoongi forcefully with him, ignoring how Yoongi kept struggling to break free and looked around as if to see if someone could help him.

That was until out of nowhere someone stepped in front of Jungkook to block his way.

"Hands off him fuckface."


"You heard me. Yoongi don't worry I'm gonna take care of this for you." A charming smile like always as the male looked at Yoongi, Jungkook only looking irritated at the other male in front of him.

Jungkook just shook his head, not having time for this and shoving the male out of his way only to then let Yoongi go to block the other's hand out of a sudden.

"Quick reflexes. Lucky." Jimin mumbled, the small knife in his hand quickly being put away once Jungkook let his hand go and raised an eyebrow at the smallers try.

Jungkook now looked rather annoyed, about to punch the other when there he was distracted by a car suddenly honking and pulling up besides them.

The door opening and Namjoon getting out to look at Jungkook.

"Mr. Jeon, we need you right now. Mr. Jung again tried to assassinate-"

"Ugh yes yes, I'm on it" Jungkook huffed, looking at Jimin and Yoongi, about to pull the cat boy with him when Jimin quickly pushed his arm around Yoongi to pull him away from him, giving Jungkook an glare that for sure would've creeped many people easily off if it wasn't stone cold Jungkook, who only glared back.

"..I'm gonna come back for you Yoongi. This isn't over."

A single sentence before the male hurried off with Namjoon and some other guys.

It all was just devastating to know.
The feeling itself was horrible.
Yoongi felt for a small moment like he and Jungkook actually had become a bit closer, only for this to happen.

It was such a draining feeling.
As if he actually had hopes himself, that Jungkook perhaps could've been different and in fact wasn't as awful as his job.
Dangerous and manipulative.

Yoongi wasn't sure if he was starting to feel annoyed and upset or dissapointed and sad.

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