How easily Taehyung could see through the smallers intends.
He knew Yoongi could be stubborn, a bit cold at first but he was the kind of person to appreciate everyone's life.
He couldn't just watch someone die in front of his eyes, he simply had to help if someone was in need.

Yoongi slowly taking a step back as he looked at Jungkook.
A shiver running down his spine as he made eye contact and saw Jungkooks glare on him.
He missed a shot.
One of the things he didn't like.

".. Jungkook you.. Don't shoot him, please. That's not what I wanted."

Pure anger, turning into an confusion when Jungkook kept staring at Yoongis slightly scared and pleading face.

Asking for forgiveness, for more time, apologizing countless of times for their mistakes while looking at him pleadingly.
How often that had happened already, that someone looked at him like that.

Never however, did he feel like he actually cared. The only exception being right now, this moment, and it was confusing him.
Feeling something for the first time in a while really was confusing, not bad though.

Jungkook said nothing picking yoongi up once again and throwing him over his shoulder, carefully walking to the door while pointing the gun at Taehyung who just watched.

"This isn't the end Doll. I'm gonna make sure that you soon can return to me." Taehyung only said, Jungkook eventually walking down some staircases with Yoongi, opening a big door to then make his way out towards a car.

Opening the car door, letting Yoongi down on the seat and quickly making his way to the drivers side to get in.

Yoongi buckled up, looking a bit around as Jungkook started to drive.

The cat boys eyes moving down on his thighs, for a few seconds staring at the shorts he wore and then leaning back.

So much happened the last few days. This all was so tiring.

Jungkook didn't speak one word, just driving until he stopped in an empty rather suspicious looking place.

"get out of the car." Jungkook spoke, Yoongi looking a bit irritated but still doing as told, now standing on the ground with his white socks and looking at Jungkook who leant against the car and looked at his phone.

Another car pulling up, a guy getting out and nodding his head to Jungkook.

Jeon got inside the car that just pulled up, Yoongi unsure what to do until Jungkook rolled down the window to look at him.

"Get in."

So there Yoongi was.
Again inside the other car with Jungkook, driving somewhere he had no clue of.

Another short silence, until the taller finally started to speak.

"I'm gonna let you stay at one of my apartments for now. The possibilities that he's gonna try to kidnap you again are high, so you better stay inside for a while. I'm gonna send someone to deliver you food. You got my number so if there's anything wrong call me. I rarely read text messages."

So that's what would happen now?
What did Yoongi expect? To immediately live his normal life again?
What about his father though?

"But I have to look after my dad, he-"

"I'm gonna take care of that." Jungkook spoke, Yoongi going silent again and looking for a moment outside of the window when he remembered something.

"Jungkook.. Thank you. I know this must be a lot of work for you. I'm really thankful that you're helping me out.."

Another silence, Jungkook tapping the wheel and taking a short glance at Yoongi, opening his mouth only to close it again.

He really was unsure how to answer to that.
He rarely was talking to 'normal' people.
Yoongi was like a new territory he yet had to discover.

He was a busy person.
Therefore those daily, casual things like buying banana milk while staring at Yoongi was one of the things he actually enjoyed.
It was so casual. So normal. So completely unimportant.
He appreciated those moments, at least with Yoongi around.
Whenever he could, he looked at Yoongi, it all seemed to work so easily and everything seemed so interesting to him even though he before didn't notice it whenever he was with the smaller.

Yet he had to remain unbothered, uninterested.
Showing too much of himself felt too revealing.
Emotions were so chaotic, so messy, so hard to deal with, but still Jungkook had the desire to exactly feel that.
He wanted to experience something messy, something he wasn't used to and that's exactly what he struggled with.

It was a controversy, one side telling him it was a no go, the other longing for it, as if just having waited for someone to give him this chance.

No word leaving their lips until they arrived at the apartment.
A silent walk, Jungkook letting Yoongi in and pushing a card in the smallers hands before wordlessly disappearing, the door behind him closing, leaving Yoongi alone in the unknown territory.

It was just a job after all.
This was his job.

Yoongi on the other hand was a bit speechless.
Jungkook was so confusing.
He nearly killed Taehyung without a single expression on his face, yet Yoongi could still appreciate Jungkooks kindness to even let him stay in his apartment for a while.
He wasn't such a bad guy, but he still seemed so cold and distant whenever Yoongi tried to talk to him, as if Jungkook saw him as nothing more than an simple duty he had to fulfill.

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