The Final Countdown

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"Mana Takamiya and Origami Tobiichi... You two really have some balls to show up here while having bounties on you."

Ryouko Kusakabe shook her head that she was clutching with her hands. The duo of wanted Wizards had suddenly appeared at the AST base, asking to be let in to talk with her. If it wasn't for the timely intervention on her subordinate's part, the situation could've spiralled out of control. Origami remained stone-faced at Ryouko's exasperation, while the rest of the AST squad behind Ryouko awkwardly smiled.

"We don't have balls."

"No, thats not- whatever."

Mana spoke up with a light chuckle.

"Since when did we even get bounties?"

Ryouko looked at her incredulously.

"You're telling me you don't know?"
After looking at the clueless faces of the two girls, she sighed and continued.

"DEM put out a bounty for you two saying that you went rogue and 'had violently attacked their forces without provocation' or something. The cash prizes are already in the eight digits."

Origami and Mana looked at each other in a stunned silence, before seemingly coming to a mutual understanding.

"Eight digits... That should set us for life."
"Mhm. I can rescue you afterward."

"Hey! Don't try to get the money from your own bounty! Anyway, why are you here? Shouldn't you be hiding somewhere?"

The air took on a serious tone as Origami straightened up. She took a deep breath, and began to explain. About Ratatoskr, about how the attack was planned for tommorow, and how they shouldn't interfere with any of it. The longer she talked, the worse Ryouko's expression became.

"Tommorow, you'll most likely receive a request for assistance from DEM. Please ignore it."

"Sorry for saying this, but you... don't sound convincing. Ratatoskr? An organization that aims to keep Spirits safe? DEM launching an all-out attack? It just doesn't make sense."

Mana shook her head.

"You don't understand. The request for help will come tommorow. You can sit here in disbelief for an hour, but that won't change anything. Just promise us that if DEM asks for your assistance, you'll refuse."

"I think you're  the one who doesn't understand! Being in the AST isn't a hobby, it's a job! Abandoning our job tommorow will, at best, result in all of us getting fired! It's not a simple decision to make."

Origami sighed.

"I understand. In any case, just remember what we've said. Ratatoskr will take care of all matters concerning employment if you decide to leave the AST."

She held up a hand as Ryouko moved to interrupt.

"On the other hand, if you do happen to choose to support DEM, stay as far back as you can and try to use their Wizards as shields. I don't want to kill you."

"Hold on a second, Origami! While I admit that you're an extremely competent Wizard, you can't handle our entire tea-"


A feather of light flew at supersonic speeds, passing under the frozen Ryouko's ear and shattering the wall behind her. Origami spread her arms, which were now covered in a shimmering Astral Dress.

"As a Spirit, I am more than capable of doing so. Please consider what we said."

After her proclamation, the air seemed to freeze over. Nobody dared move as Origami and Mana strolled over to the exit. Until...

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