Kurumi's Plan

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"Shin, her affection levels have passed the threshold for a while now, find a chance to finish it."

Reine frowned after conveying her message. She thought that this date was sort of suspicious, since the affection levels of the Spirit had been sky high from the start, almost enough to complete the seal then and there.

It might've been understandable if it was someone like Natsumi or Kotori, but the fact that Nia was behaving this way was practically unthinkable.
What had happened between those two? She didn't have a way to know.

All she did know was that a Spirit escaping from DEM's long torture and their affection ratings being extremely high for Shido at the same time was too strange to be a coincidence.
Plus, Kurumi hadn't done anything to him yet. Considering her personality, that was slightly weird, too. Maybe she found something to be wary of?

No, I should concentrate. 

Reine shook her head. She should concentrate on the date for now. Simply continue with the plan. Get Shinji back. She wouldn't let some minor hiccups like this get in her way.


"Ahahah! Look at that, Boy! They have my manga!"
Nia was pointing at an entire section of the shop, which had large banners and shelves stacked with a certain manga, titled Silver Bullet.

"H-Hey, don't shout too loudly.."
Shido said in a worried tone. He didn't exactly want people to give them weird looks in the middle of a date.

"Shin, her affection levels have passed the threshold for a while now, find a chance to finish it."

The sudden communication took Shido a little by surprise. He now had to find a way to kiss Nia, even though they were currently in the middle of a store full of people

He shot Nia a look, hoping to get the message across.
Luckily, it seemed he had succeeded, since she seemed to catch on and quickly led him out of the shop, into a slightly more deserted street.


In a corner of an empty street.
Two faces parted, and the feeling of Reiryoku flowing into him filled Shido.
Nia had just been sealed again, restoring the full powers of Rasiel, bringing with it the power of Future Entry. 
This power was less for combat and more for miscellaneous activities, due to its reduced effectiveness against supernatural opponents and slow activation time. Nevertheless, it did not lack in power, as the power to change the literal future was incredibly strong.

That being said, it wasn't omnipotent. The bigger the change made by the ability, the higher the Reiryoku cost. Even Shido couldn't afford to overuse it. 

More importantly, the Pure Reiryoku that had dissolved upon Nia's powers being unsealed had now reformed, bringing with it a simple enhancement of the previous benefits, those being enhanced durability and allowing interference with Reiryoku and Maryoku constructions, better known as Angels and Territories.

"Nicely done, Bro. You managed to win over Nia really quickly! Hopefully we can get a decent budget now from those stingy investors..." Kotori's voice came over the earpiece, congratulating him over his 'victory.'

"Sorry, what?" He could've sworn he heard some grumbling that could've come out of a middle aged manager's mouth...

"Ignore that last bit. Anyway, well done. Now you just need to think of something for Kurumi."


Shido was currently walking with a certain blue haired girl, who had just managed to get out of the Fraxinus infirmary. It was none other than Mana Takamiya. Of course, she wasn't actually injured, as Shido had been quite careful in the fight. The real reason for the infirmary visit was so that Kotori could have an excuse to talk with her. With a little help from Haniel, creating temporary fake wounds was easy.  Of course, the constant required supply of Reiryoku was somewhat tiring, but Shido did not exactly want to stab his sister, even if it was for a good reason.

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