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"Are you sure about this?"

Shido put the VR helmet on with a hint of apprehension. He was about to have his first meeting with Mukuro, using the same hologram system that they had used in the previous time around. They had already located Mukuro by using Rasiel extensively to narrow down her whereabouts, but they were still waiting for the upgrades to the Fraxinus to be finished before they flew out to meet her in person.

"No complaining! It's better to let her know that we're coming."

At that moment, the VR helmet switched on, showing Shido a view of the stars outlined against the darkness of space.


He checked his surroundings. He appeared to be floating, surrounded by an ocean of glittering stars, and by looking down slightly he could see the gentle curve of the planet below him. Of course, he wasn't alone, as a voice called out to him - well, to his holographic image, projected by the Realizers in the Yggrafolium.

"Interesting. A human dares approach me? Begone."

Shido swiveled around to look at the source of the sound, only to be met with a huge mass of rock hurling towards his face. It sped straight through his face and out the back, leaving him... unharmed. Of course. He was just a projection.


Even so, Shido stumbled backward in surprise, his breathing stopping for a second in fear. However, it seemed that the voice was more surprised than him.

"Hm? It appears my attack hath failed. No matter, I shall-"



Shido's sight was no longer obstructed, allowing him to see the identity of the voice. Naturally, it was Mukuro, looking down on him with a face devoid of emotion.

While her eyebrows were raised in what appeared to be surprise, it seemed hollow, more like a computer throwing an error than a Spirit feeling puzzled at their attack passing straight through Shido.

"I'm a projection! I just want to talk to you!"

"A projection, you say? Inconceivable."

Mukuro slowly twirled the key in her hands a few times like a baton before coming to a decision.

"Well, human? Wherefore dost thou approach me in this place? On second thought, who art thee?"

"I'm Itsuka Shido..."

Shido told her everything. He noticed Mukuro seemed to have an abnormally long attention span, as she listened to his entire story with her eyes glued onto him.

"Impressive. Thou hast undergone many tribulations to reach this point"

[A/N] she starting to sound like a chinese novel

"So, will you come to the surface to let me seal your power?"

Shido asked without high hopes.

"Methinks that to be unnecessary."

Of course. She wouldn't go along because her emotions had been sealed. Convincing her would be impossible until they could go up and unlock her. Uncaring about Shido's thoughts, Mukuro continued on.

"I fear not the attacks of a mere human. Thine concern for my safety is touching, but unnecessary nonetheless."

"But... aren't you lonely up here? You can talk to other Spirits and actually enjoy yourself on Earth..."

"I shall decline."

"But why?! You-"

"Worry not. I decline not out of apprehension or doubt for you, but out of inability to feel emotion. I have locked mine heart with Michael."

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