The Game

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"So... how about we go shopping?"

"To where?"

"Ah.. I havent really thought about that one yet.."

The white haired girl in front of Shido narrowed her eyebrows in confusion- before opening them wide, coming to a sudden realization.

"So the reason you invited me was purely because you wanted to meet me?"

"Uh.. yep."

Shido was currently on a date with Origami, as part of the investigation for Natsumi's game. He had specifically asked for Origami on the first day for a certain reason, but that was irrelevant for now. Somehow, his earlier words seemed to brighten up Origami's expression, almost forming a smile. Almost.

"Then, follow me. I know the perfect place.

She turned around, walking fairly quickly for a teenage girl towards an obscure corner of the city.


"What is.... this?"

Shido stared at the shop they had arrived at. The interior was dark, with a mutsy smell coming from within. The whole thing looked like a haunted house from outside, but the interior was surprisingly modern, albeit still dark and creepy.

Oh. He remembered. This was the store where they sold drugs, one that Origami apparently frequented.

"Shin, you should probably go after her"

"Oh, right."

Origami had vanished somewhere into the depths of the shelves, and he was about to go find her when he saw her approaching him- with a stack of bottles in her hands.

"Origami? What are those?!"

Shido glanced at the packaging. They all had various forms of the words 'Neurotoxin','Muscle Relaxant','Sleeping Drug' and, most terrifying of all, three bottles with the words 'Aphrodisiac' stamped on them.
She picked those three bottles out of the pile and held them out to Shido.

"Choose one."

"What? Origami, what are you going to use tho-"

"Choose one."

"Okay, okay! Give me a sec."

Shido quickly tapped his earpiece twice, calling the crew of Fraxinus for help.

The three options appeared:

1 Aphrodisizoom! Acts quickly, to start your action quickly!

2 Heavy Horny Hitter! For those who want the extra punch... maybe literally?

3 Sneaky Cupid! For the stealthier customers among us. We are not responsible for any damages including but not limited to: criminal charges, accusations of sexual assault, confiscation of property and freedom, etc.

Reine shook her head at the options, amazed. To think that Origami would be so... resourceful. She was honestly impressed.

"Alright crew, make your decisions."

The votes came in, and Reine sent the instructions over the earpiece.

"Shido. Option two. Due to the increased potency, it should give you enough time for Camael to save you from doing anything. Theoretically."

"Yeah? Well what if your theory turns out to be wrong?" Shido frantically whispered back.

"In that case, enjoy your time with the increased potency."

"....... fine. I'll pick this bottle, then."

He pointed at the second bottle. Origami nodded, and brought them to the cashier.

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