Reiryoku Premiumᵗᵐ

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Shido was currently relaxing in his room, thinking back on the moment of sealing Tohka.
It was quite a unique situation, since he sealed a spirit with their angel already present inside of him. Contrary to his expectations, he didn't just get more Reiryoku or a stronger Sandalphon. He did get those two things, but far more importantly, at the moment of sealing something changed.

When Shido had sealed Tohka, her Reiryoku flowed into him. Likely due to the absurd amount of it now present within his body, it appeared to have condensed into a more compact and purer form. Shido had dubbed this Pure Reiryoku, something with power similar to Mio's.

At present he could use the full abilities of the AAA ranked Princess, thanks to the double seal. The Pure Reiryoku was fairly useless, but if he sealed a few more it could show a little more use.
Maybe something would happen when he got all te-

The door burst open.

"Shidou." Kotori walked in. "What was that?"
"What was what?" Shido tried to play dumb, but his will quickly withered after receiving the glare that was asking what kind of joke he was making. "A-alright"

Shido folded.


"So you're saying that there was some trouble, and you traveled back in time? And I shouldn't tell the other Fraxinus crew, my trusted friends?
You realize how ridiculous you sound, right?" Kotori was currently wondering whether or not her dear brother had finally crossed the line and gone senile.

Shido took a deep breath.

It seemed that Kotori has finally accepted Shido's mental decline.
"Wait! Wait! Watch this!"

Shidou summoned all the angels in turn.
Camael, Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Zafkiel, Raphael, Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Rasiel, Michael.
He chose this method over using Yud because he didn't want Kotori to start behaving differently and alert Reine about it.

Kotori's jaw all but went through the floor.
"H-Ho-" "Shh. Please trust me, and dont tell the others about it, okay?"
All she could really do was nod
"The next spirit to appear is called Yoshino. She has the appearance of a small girl and has the power of ice, Zadkiel. She also has a puppet with her, called Yoshinon."
"What I'm trying to say is, please treat her gently. Thanks, Kotori!"
"Hey, wait! We're not done he-"
Kotori shouted after the Shido who had long since sprinted out of the room, towards school.


"Hey Shido, eat this!"
A box containing numerous 'cookies' was held out to Shidou by none other than Tohka.
She had settled in nicely at Raizen, but clearly her culinary skills didn't extend to actual cooking.
The cookies all had rather dark colours and wierd edges in places that Shidou didn't know existed.

She picked up one of the cookies and held it out in the infamous pose.
"Come on, say aaaaaah.."
Shidou smiled nervously, keenly aware of the sharp gazes of the males in his class.
A whistling sound came from his right. A speedy projectile was heading towards them.
Shidou quickly raised his hand and caught the projectile in question, the fork thrown by Origami, while eating the cookie. He sneakily used Haniel on the inside of his mouth to temporarily disable his taste buds and swallowed the whole thing.

Was this misuse of the supernatural Sephira crystal? Perhaps.
Would Mio flip out if she ever saw this scene? Yes.
But Shido didn't care.


Later, when Shido was walking home from school, the sky darkened and raindrops started falling from it. Within minutes the sparse droplets had turned into a solid downpour of water.
He subtly used Raphael to form a coat of wind that kept the water away. The angels were surprisingly useful in day to day life, something he hadn't gotten to experience the previous time because of the strain it put on his squishy human body. Now that he had all the angels and then some though, using angels wasn't a problem.

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