Redoing it all

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"Its over, Shinji."  

Mio Takamiya. The Spirit of Origin. 30 years ago, she created the Spirits, existences that were created to be destroyed, their primary purpose to be sacrifices for the sake of one boy.

That boy, Shido Itsuka, now floated in front of her with a look of desperation on his face. Ten brightly coloured crystals floated around her, the only proof that his friends had once existed.

The angelic being seemed somehow sad as she looked at him.

"N- No.."

Even though the situation was hopeless, Shido refused to give up. He summoned all the Angels in his possesion to mount a final resistance.

"Sandalphon!" In response to the cry, a glowing longsword appeared in Shido's hands. Tohka's Angel, and possibly the most straightforward.

"Camael!" Instantly, the longsword was reinforced by a reddish light with flames burning at its core. This was Kotori's Angel, wielding the power of flames and healing.

"Zadkiel!" A chilling aura of ice spread out around him, clashing fiercely with the flames in the sword. Yoshino's Angel, controlling the power of ice.

"Raphael!"  A gale picked up under his feet, increasing his speed severalfold. The Yamai sisters were by far the fastest Spirits, a title that this Angel was undoubtedly responsible for.

"Metatron!" Dozens of glowing feathers appeared and pointed themselves at the Spirit, ready to fire at a moment's notice. Origami had only recently been made a Spirit, but her Angel was one of the strongest in offense.

"Rasiel!" A glowing book appeared in the air, its pages flipping in Raphael's fierce winds. While lacking combat power, Nia's Spirit had nigh omniscience, being able to tell Shido practically anything.

"Gabriel! March!" Music started playing, boosting his physical capabilities. Miku's Angel, one that lacked in offense but was unrivaled in support. 

"Haniel! Kaleidoscope!" After appearing in the air, the large broomstick morphed into Gabriel, performing March again. This Angel had the power to transform into practically anything, which included other Angels. It truly did fit Natsumi's personality.

"Michael! Open!" 
One of the last Spirits to be sealed, but a contender for the most powerful. Mukuro's Angel could open and close concepts themselves. Several portals with the key appearing behind him signalled the start of the fight,  releasing small meteors going at a high speed towards Mio. 

"It's useless. Why not come with me?"

Mio made no movement to dodge, taking the meteors directly. Even so, upon reaching the glittering Astral Dress, they all shattered. Even the vast destructive force of a meteor could not scratch the Spirit of Origin.

Taking advantage of the surprised Shido, Mio flew forward and casually slapped at his chest. She couldn't use any of her offensive Angels, lest she kill him accidentally.  That only left Ain Soph, which would be utterly useless against him, as the massive amount of Reiryoku present within his body would completely nullify it.

Shido's eyes widened as he saw her approaching, barely dodging in time by stepping backward in the air.
Damn, that's fast...
A drop of sweat made its way down his neck. Her speed was almost impossible to keep up with, even while using Raphael and two stacks of March, and even meteors did not scratch her clothes. She was practically unbeatable. Nevertheless, what option did he have but to try?


"Please, Shinji. Give up."

Metatron's feathers all bounded forward at the same time in response to his shout. Reaching the Astral Dress in an instant, they too shattered uselessly against the cloth, woven from incredibly dense Reiryoku. Meanwhile, she had already recovered from the missed swing and launched a crude backhand while floating toward him. The attack came at an incredible speed, not allowing Shido to dodge in time. Left with no choice, he raised Sandalphon while coating his arm in a tough layer of ice with Zadkiel and swung it down with all his power at the incoming arm, hoping that it could at least lessen the blow.

The result was predictable. Once again obliterating the power of the three Angels protecting him, the merciless backhand struck a direct hit on his chest and sent him flying. Thankfully, Mio had not used her full strength. Had she swung at full force, his body would have long been a red stain on the ground far below.

While Camael's recovery kicked into gear, Shido stood up, groaning and coughing. He looked at his own blood-covered fist in despair.

Why? Why was none of this working? Perhaps it had been silly to use the Spirits power against their own source, the Spirit of Origin, but Shido had no choice. He had no other weapon to use, nothing that would be effective against her.

"Are you all right?"

Mio approached with a slightly concerned expression on her face. She took her time, knowing that there was nothing more he could do. She had taken great care to not accidentally kill him, but had clearly shown the difference in power between them.

There was one more. One more angel in Shido's possession. Kurumi Tokisaki's Angel, Zafkiel. Or, to be more precise: The Sixth bullet, Vav. It had the ability to turn back the clock a few days, but would that be enough? The girl in front of him had overwhelming power, to the point where just a few days wouldnt be sufficient. He needed more. More time.

Shido concentrated. He could feel the Reiryoku of all the Spirits inside of him clearly responding to him.


Something was different. The power of the Angels within him gave off an odd feeling, somehow. Rasiel, Gabriel, Haniel, Raphael and Michael, which were floating around him, suddenly dissapeared. But the feeling of power hadn't changed.
They had merged. Adding their powers onto Zafkiel, the Spirits that Shido once knew had left one final gift. 

Summoning the familiar ancient pistol in his hand, Shido smiled as he spoke the words.
"Zafkiel. The Thirteenth bullet. Mem." 
For the first time since her appearance, Mio had a distressed expression on her face. She felt a power that was both familiar and unfamiliar residing in that pistol, like something new being made from recycled parts. Plus, she didn't recognize the name of the bullet Shido had uttered, either.

Wait, what if that bullet could allow him to escape? Zafkiel was the only Angel that could actually pose a threat, as time transcended even her, the Spirit of Origin.

She lunged forward, panic finally overtaking her.

The sound of a bullet firing filled the area.

To be continued

hey there, this is my first novel ever so please dont destroy  me too badly but give me some tips on what i could do better. I always wanted to see what would happen if shido actually used the powers he had in the series and the concept of redoing everything just seemed interesting.

please leave your opinion in the comments!

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