Mana vs Jessica, Kurumi vs Artemisia

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Hasta la vista, baby.


As the words echoed through Shido's mind yet again, Miku's voice shook him out of his angry pacing.

"You... why? Why did you save me?" It came out as a half-shout, probably because of the mixed feelings of being disgusted that it was a man who saved her and the fact that she was saved at all.

Shido shot a sharp look at her, which softened upon seeing her slight flinch.
He sighed. "Look, I couldn't exactly let you die, could I? That explosion could've probably destroyed your Astral Dress. More importantly, Tohka's been kidnapped. Please help us get her back, or at the very least not interfere with our rescue."

Miku looked baffled. "I thought you wanted to seal my powers? Why do you suddenly not care about that?"

"Of course I still care about that, but saving Tohka takes priority right now. That bastard is trying to torture her to get her to inverse."

"Hold on, Shin. How do you know that?"
Reine's voice came over hier earpiece, attempting to hide her suspicion, but he was ready for it.

"Did you forget about Nia's Angel?"

"Ooh." This time, it was Kotori who replied. "You think I can study quickly with it?"
"HEY! Don't treat my Angel like a convenient tool!"
Even Nia had somehow joined the conversation.

"Why does all of this matter?! Shior- Whatever your name is! I can simply give you another girl! While your Tohka is cute, I admit, I can guarantee you a girl that's just as- no, even cuter! I could-"

"IT'S NOT THE SAME! There isn't any replacement for Tohka! My name is Shido Itsuka, by the way."

Miku was slightly miffed by this. "Hmph. It was just an offer. Your words may be impressive, but there's no way you're going that far just to satisfy yourself. I'll keep my offer open, but in return, you have to leave me alone."

Shido gritted his teeth. There was no way he was going to convince Miku right now, especially since they were pressed for time.

"You dont understand. Just don't interfere, and let me save Tohka. I'll sacrifice my life, if necessary."

Ignoring Miku's skeptical glare, he turned his attention to the earpiece .

"Let's head over to DEM's headquarters, then."


"Are you.... kidding me??"

Kotori stared with slight disbelief in her eyes at the monitor on the wall. It showed hundreds of Wizards and tens of thousands of Bandersnatch units hovering around DEM's branch office in Japan, seeming almost like a cloud of flies from a distance.

"How are we supposed to deal with this?! We can't beat that force head on, not without mobilizing wayyy too many people!"

"Hee-hee, maybe I could be of some help?"

Everybody onboard the Fraxinus instantly whirled around towards the source of the new voice.


Shido's flabbergasted question neatly summed everyone's opinion up. Kurumi Tokisaki, the Worst Spirit, had just appeared next to them, in Fraxinus. How she got there was fairly obvious, considering the massive shadow she was standing on, but why was another.

"What are you doing here, Tokisaki?" Kotori growled.

"Hee-hee, I merely heard your... more than audible complaints and thought that I should help out? You can all call me Kurumi, by the way." 

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