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 The Pure Reiryoku was forming inside Shido's body at a snail's pace. Right now, he had around a liter of it inside his body (although that didn't really mean much), an amount which was boosted by the recent sealing of the Yamai sisters. Kaguya and Yuzuru, the two feisty twins, had finally made up and allowed him to seal them...

"Ah!" As Shido winced slightly, the Pure Reiryoku inside him suddenly burst outwards, forming a thin mist around him that quickly faded out of sight. It saturated the space around him, giving him rudimentary control over everything inside him. 

It had formed a Pseudo-Territory. This Territory wasn't as powerful as a normal Wizard's, but it was still a great help to him, especially since he now didn't actually have to touch the Angel or Territory to deconstruct it. All he needed was to get it within range of his Territory, and send over the Pure Reiryoku from there.

As an added bonus, the Pseudo-Territory was semipermanent and didn't place too heavy of a burden on his brain, only turning off when he wanted it to.

Shido sighed. The air around him was still somewhat gloomy, despite the massive improvements that had just happened.

The reason for that was very simple: The next Spirit to handle would be Miku Izayoi, also known as Diva. She was a very sweet and social Spirit, which would have been amazing, had she also not hated men to a ridiculous extent.

"Here I come, Miku..."



A tall man with ash blond, nearly white hair greeted the visitor to his office with a casual wave of his hand, while graciously offering her a seat in front of him. This man was Sir Isaac Ray Pelham Westcott, the founder of Deux Ex Machina Industries, the largest- and only -supplier of Realizers to the various nations across the world.

"I see you've returned from your mission, but I don't seem to notice any Princess next to you. Could it be that something happened?" His cold eyes were widened ever so slightly, a rare break in his usual poker face. And with good reason.

Ellen was the bona fide strongest Wizard of humanity. For her to return empty handed could only mean either serious negligence on her part, or extreme combat strength on the enemies' side.

Ellen was extremely loyal, so negligence was out of the question, and as for extreme financial strength on the enemies' side, that was even more unthinkable, considering DEM's revenue sources.

"Yes. Beserk made an unexpected appearance"

"Hmm? That is indeed surprising. But a measly two extra Spirits couldn't have forced you to retreat, could they? What happened to the Arbatel? I recieved a report that it was destroyed..."

Ellen grimaced as she recalled the face of Captain Paddington.
"It appears that they were in combat against an airship from Ratatoskr, but Beserk shot it down."

Westcott raised his eyebrows. "Oh? Now that's surprising. To think that those fools from Ratatoskr would show up... But you should still have been able to kidnap Princess, correct? It might've even been easier, considering that their airship was distracted."

"That's the only bit of good news here," Ellen said, putting on a wry smile

"Oh?" Westcott sat forward a bit.

"We've found our Spirit thief. They managed to gang up on me alongside Princess and Beserk, although there was no trace of Nightmare."

Westcott broadly grinned abruptly. "Good! Very good! What are their details? I want to know every last thing about this person."

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