Westcott's Attack

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"Shi... do.."

Natsumi's lifeless corpse thudded to the floor.
Behind her stood Ellen Mathers and Artemisia Ashcroft in their signature CR units, both guarding Isaac Westcott, who was clutching Natsumi's Sephira Crystal in his hand.

"Well, I suppose you were too late, weren't you?"

Westcott made a show of waving the green crystal around, before inserting it into his own chest.

"You... Natsumi..."

Shido summoned every last one of his Angels around him in a rage, akin to the time he was facing Mio desperately. Except, of course, he had several full power Angels out this time. More importantly, the one he was facing wasn't Mio, but Westcott and his two assistants, who were a far cry from the Spirit of Origin's near absolute power.

Ellen and Artemisia braced themselves at his actions, realizing that they most likely could not withstand this for very long.

"Ike.... whatever you're planning, do it now!"


Ellen shouted out as Shido lunged forward with a angry shout. He arrived at their Territories before they could even react, cutting down with Sandalphon.

She staggered as her blade came into contact with the Angel, knocking her back a meter from the sheer momentum.
Shido kept on going, trying to impale Ellen, but Artemisia dashed in, stopping him by condensing her Territory to resist the onslaught of Reiryoku. 

"What the-"

Suddenly, Shido, who was in front of her, disappeared in a flash of white light. At the same time, she felt a presence in her Territory coming from behind her.
How did he get back there?!

She swiftly sped forward without turning around, allowing Ellen, who had recovered from the knockback, to make her move.

"Pierce, Rhongomyniad!"

A massive burst of light, almost comparable to the earlier attack from the airship, covered the sky, engulfing Shido. Rhongomyniad compressed its Maryoku to form an incredibly powerful piercing attack with all of Ellen's power behind it. Nothing should've survived that blow. And yet, once the light cleared, it revealed the form of Shido Itsuka, alive and well with torn clothes and only a few burns here and there.

Meanwhile, during the meager few seconds that had passed, Westcott had succesfully absorbed the Sephira crystal, holding Haniel in his hand with a self-satisfied grin.

"It's interesting how the knowledge of the powers of this Angel appear in my mind instantly, isn't it? Haniel. Kaleidoscope."

The broom rapidly shrunk, turning into the form of a glowing book in Westcott's hands.

"Hmm. This is a handy Angel, isn't it?"

At that moment, a burst of light illuminated the sky. Shido Itsuka, with the forms of every Angel floating around him, stood in front of Ellen and Artemisia with minor injuries. He might've been injured, but Ellen and Artemisia were arguably in worse shape. It had only been a few seconds, but they were already on the verge of defeat.

[A/N} its been 500 words and only 3 or 4 seconds have passed what

"Shido! Natsumi's vital signs have dropped to zero! What the fuck happened?!"

Kotori's panicked voice reached him over his earpiece, with the murmuring of several Spirits audible in the background. Fraxinus had immediately picked up on the attack, and was speeding to the scene while she talked to Shido.

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