Twins of the Tempest

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While the rest of the class walked towards the hotel, Shido snuck off toward the swirling clouds.
Before he could even break out into a run, the wind picked up, quickly building up to an insane speed while making a howling noise.

Yikes, why is this wind so strong?
Shido grimaced, summoning Raphael to form a little shield around him. It was somewhat ironic that he was using Raphael to counter Raphael, but the wind shield proved incredibly effective, allowing him to run through the island like the wind didn't exist.


Shido hurriedly summoned Sandalphon, cutting the large branch that was flying straight for his head in half.
That was close....
Maybe he shouldn't be running blindly right now?


After a short time, two figures came into view.

They appeared to be two girls, around Shido's age, with orange hair and strikingly similar features. If not for the difference in... assets, they would've been practically indistinguishable.

Any person would've been entranced by their beauty, if not for the fact that the two Spirits were currently locked in an earth-shattering battle.
The ground itself cracked apart upon recieving the shockwave from their clash, attesting to the horrifying power hidden behind their apparently frail bodies.

One of them was wielding a massive lance, which was as wide as her torso was tall and nearly twice her height in length. Unbelievably, she wielded the weapon as if it weighted no more than paper, swinging and stabbing wildly at a barely visible speed.

In contrast, the other was wielding an extremely long but fairly thin pendulum that appeared to be made from a mysterious material formed into chains, ending in a diamond-shaped point that appeared to be extremely sharp.
The chains twisted and turned as if it had a life of its own, neatly countering the frenzied attacks of her opponent, while finding the time to sneak in the occasional counterattack.

Despite the chain's fragile appearance, it caught even the strongest stab from the lance without breaking, carefully twisting around it to neutralize the force.

"Kukuku, you may have stopped my attack just this once, but did you really think that was the end of it?"

"Exasperation. Only an idiot would do that without a plan for after the fact."

"Tch. So you noticed."

Needless to say, the two fighting Spirits were Kaguya and Yuzuru, using the angel of wind, Raphael.

As hotheaded as always...
While Shido shook his head in exasperation, the fight continued.

Jerking the lance upward, Kaguya pulled Yuzuru toward her while flipping backwards, trying to aim for a kick from below with her right leg. While it seemed like the leg was about to connect with her stomach, Yuzuru surprisingly pulled on El Na'ash, pulling her close enough to tuck her legs in to the point where her knees nearly touched Kaguya's chin.

"Huh?! What are you doing? Get away from me!"

"Objection. It is you who caused this physical proximity."

The lance immediately swiped down, aiming to hit Yuzuru's head. Despite the reduced usefulness of the lance at extremely close range, El Re'em still carried a formidable force with it as it rushed towards the expressionless Yuzuru.

Reacting immediately, Yuzuru kicked away from Kaguya, using her stomach as a launchpad to make her escape while unwinding El Na'ash from around the lance.


The kick landed directly in the pit of Kaguya's stomach, earning a few coughs from the lance-wielding Spirit.
Unfortunately, Yuzuru didn't get out of the exchange unscathed, either. The tip of the lance had smacked her in the shin, leaving behind a faint bruise.

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