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A blond haired woman, dressed in formal office attire, pushed an impressive door open, stepping into the office behind it.
The room was massive, with large sofas, massive TVs and a huge desk with a suitably tall stack of papers on it.

"What?  I don't really have time right now, the British military is nagging me about 'withholding powerful Realizer technology' or something. Is it important?"

The tired voice rang out from behind the stack of papers, the owner of which was a tall, pale man with blond hair and rings around his eyes. This was the genius creator and CEO of Deus Ex Machina Industries, Isaac Westcott.

"Ma-" Ellen Mathers, the blond haired intruder, also known as the Strongest Wizard, hesitated upon seeing the pressure that Isaac was under. Did she want to add to his workload?

"It's fine, Ellen. What happened?"

She stopped hesitating and made the report.

"Material A has escaped from Neryl Isla-" *Bang*

 The table shook, scattering pieces of paper all over the ground.
Paying no attention to it, Westcott stood up, shock in his eyes.

"How did this happen? We had multiple squads of Wizards in there, didn't we? Plus, Adeptus 2 should've been present as well!"

Ellen grimaced, pulling out a tablet. The screen showed the image of two figures facing up against a squad of Wizards, causing Westcott's eyebrows to furrow.

He recognized one of the figures as a Spirit, Nightmare. She was a troublesome one, causing large casualties whenever she appeared. Her clones were particularily troublesome too, being capable of gathering information with remarkable efficiency while also posing a significant threat in combat.

But who was the other figure? Their face had white hair and features that were incredibly similar to his own. Were they wearing a disguise? They seemed to be holding a large sword in one hand and a key in the other. 

Ellen frowned.

"Nightmare is troublesome enough, but that other person seems to be even worse. That sword is Sandalphon, Princess' angel. The other weapons they were wielding gave off strong Reiha signals, too. It's safe to assume that those are all Angels."

Westcott gazed at the image showing their Wizards falling to the floor, one after another.
The intruders nearly reached the exit, but were interrupted by Adeptus 2.

"Pay close attention. I doubt Takamiya went down without a fight. Pay close attenti- Huh?"

He stared, along with Ellen, at the sight of their Adeptus 2 being defeated instantly by the disguised figure. After throwing her into their shadow, the duo had left the area through a portal opened by the key.


The shock in Westcott's eyes slowly faded away, being replaced by sheer joy.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Ellen! We have a new target! See if you can track them down! I assume the trackers in Sister and Takamiya are out of commission now?"

"I-Indeed. The trackers in the chips and CR units have all malfunctioned. However, we have identified the clothing worn by the disguised intruder as a shirt produced by a Japanese brand. The store doesn't have many branches outside of Japan, so it's safe to surmise that their location is somewhere in Japan. That is, of course, if the clothes aren't part of the disguise itself.

However, the trap for Material A's chip has triggered itself."

Westcott smiled.

"Remember the report from the Tengu City AST? There was a report that Princess showed up at a school there, without any sign of spacequakes or Reiryoku."

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