
1.9K 59 1

Shido reappeared on the Fraxinus bridge, slightly pissed.
He had failed to get Yoshinon from the AST, making the mission to seal Yoshino a whole lot more difficult.
"Shido! You're okay!" Kotori came running over.
"I'm fine, Yoshino defended me."
"It's a shame the AST interrupted you this time, but you managed to build up quite a bond in that short time. Good work, Shido." Reine had finally caught up with the happy Kotori, looking as sleepy as always.
"Yeah. I think we should get that puppet back right now. She's pretty attached to it, so getting it back might help seal her." 

Reine looked at Shido strangely. "You're surprisingly capable. Do you have experience with this sort of stuff?" 
"Uh... not that I remember?" While Shido started to sweat under her piercing gaze, Kotori hurried in for his rescue. 
"Heh, my brother hadn't heard of romance or normal conversations until Tohka appeared."

Ouch. Maybe he didn't need saving that badly, after all.
"I see. Either way, well done. On another note, we've managed to locate the puppet."
"Really?! Where?" 
"It appears that one of the AST brought it along with them. The girl called Origami Tobiichi. She's in your class, isn't she, Shin? Why don't you go get it from her?"

Shido's heart sank deep within his chest. He remembered his first visit to Origami's apartment. It had been a harrowing experience, with him being able to miraculously keep his 'purity' after the visit.
"Shin, are you okay? You're looking a little pale there..."
"Y-yes... I'll go get Yoshinon as soon as possible..."
Shido left the room with shaking legs, a soft murmur escaping his lips.



Shido rang the doorbell on Origami's apartment. 
"Who's there?"
"I-It's me, Shido. Sorry for distur-"
*Click* The door swung open.
"Come in."

Shido steeled himself. 
"Sorry for visiting without talking to you beforehand, I-"
Shido stopped in his tracks. The only reason he didnt drop the baked goods he had in his hands was his preparations for what was to come. Origami was currently in a maid outfit. 
Shido had no idea how she had figured out what he liked without that conversation with Tonomachi, but he'd clearly underestimated her.

He prepared once more for the Yoshinon recovery mission.


Somewhere, in Tengu city..

A being that appeared to be made out of noise appeared. It had no recognizable features, only a vaguely human form. The carrier of the Sephira Crystals, one half of the Spirit of Origin, Mio Takamiya.

Of course, this was unknown to the 'person' standing in front of her. Long, black hair in uneven twintails, a fiery red dress contrasting with her pearly skin, Tokisaki Kurumi was talking with the other Spirit.

"Itsuka Shido? You're saying I should kill him?"
"Yes. While its true that he has the power of a few spirits, killing him will flush the spirits out of their hiding place and let you absorb their power.
"But shouldn't I just absorb his power instead? Seems a lot easier than facing off against a few Spirits."
"If you want. Don't take him lightly, though. He seems to have incredible control over his Angels. It's entirely possible you'd lose, you know?"
"No chance."
"If you're so confident."


"I'll make tea."
Origami immediately headed towards the kitchen, faster than Shido could react.
"Oh I don't need-" "Here." She had somehow already pulled out the tray with two cups on it. 
Shido gave it a worried glance as she brought it over. Surprisingly, she had brought over different beverages from last time. Compared to the thick substance that was in there last time, the liquid in his cup was runnier, with a suffocatingly sweet smell emanating from it. 
It couldn't be that bad, right? Pull yourself together, Shido. You've been here before.
Origami was currently looking at him like she wanted him to drink it.

"...You know Origami, foreign tea really isn't my thi-"
"Wait, but I don-"
"Bu-" "Enjoy."

Shido gulped and raised the cup to his lips, draining it as fast as possible.
Huh. Not bad? Maybe she didn't put the aphrodisia-
The numerous aphrodisiacs all assaulted Shido at the same time like one massive truck. 
"Ah-" He fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Origami put her arms around him, faking concern.
"Shido , are you okay?"
"Y-yes..." Shido forced himself to stay still with all his might, and activated Camael manually.
A moment later, the effect of the mixed in aphrodisiacs faded away. 


Shido was currently fleeing for his life.
He had abused the angels to hell and back during that visit to Origami, Haniel in particular.
Yoshinon was fairly easy to find, he was in the exact same place as last time. The hard part was getting him out. He had to wait for an oppurtunity while Origami was showering to grab him and run. 
The traps on the outside had slipped his mind and nearly captured him, but just barely managed to teleport out using Metatron in the nick of time.

Sprinting outside, he found himself on Fraxinus again.
"Big bro, you okay? You look like you faced down a murderous spirit.."
"You think? I thought that I was going to either die out there or be assaulte-"

Yoshino had appeared for the second (and hopefully last) time.


To be continued

chapter 8 wtf

i thought of this idea a few months ago, just the first scene and part of vol 1 (plus a fight scene with kurumi) but never thought that I'd write 8 whole chapters with nearly 8k words.

This chapter we got a Kurumi cameo, I'm trying to at least write until that fight scene i mentioned.

cya next time (and let me know what you thought in the comments)

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