Arubi Island

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Reine stared at the screen in front of her for a few more seconds until she finally let out a sigh,  leaning back in her chair.
Tokisaki Kurumi had been splendidly repelled by Mana Takamiya, who was now a DEM wizard with a little help from Origami Tobiichi, the future user of Metatron and a wizard from the AST.

While it was certainly good that she didn't need to personally interfere to save his life, the main purpose of creating this whole event was to figure out all of Shido's hidden cards, or at least to find out if there were any at all. The battle ending so quickly didn't give her the chance to see if something was wrong.

The little she did get to see, was fairly surprising, though. 
She rewinded the video to the moment where Kurumi fired the first bullet.

The Kurumi on the screen lightly raised the gun in her hand, as if it was a toy for little kids. Her finger had tightened around the trigger, launching the bullet before a normal person would even realize that she was hostile. Without much experience, Shido should have been severely wounded, if not outright killed by the sheer speed of the attack, but Shido had dropped to the ground, escaping with just a punctured shoulder.

However, by far the most surprising thing was his impeccable control of the Angel. He had quickly formed a barrier of ice with Zadkiel around the area of impact, slightly reducing the damage taken from the shot. While the thinness and fragility of the ice showed that the overall power of the Angel wasn't even close to Yoshino's full power, the speed and accuracy that he had showed off when forming the ice wasn't a single bit inferior.

That was fairly suspicious. The problem was, she couldn't even begin to imagine what could have caused this. She had considered the sixth bullet of Zafkiel, but that could only reverse up to a few days at once. While it was technically possible to chain uses of Vav together to travel back longer distances, that would take obscene amounts of Zafkiel's Time, regular time and effort.

The amount of times one would have to chain Vav together, including the time required to regain the resources to use it would be astronomical. It was far more likely that he had ceaselessly practiced on his own with the Angels. Yes, that had to be it. He had just become adept at the usage of Zadkiel because of practice. Definitely. Totally.

Well, its not like a high combat power with Angels would be enough to stop her from achieving her goal. Her Astral Dress alone would probably be enough to take on all the Spirits at once, let alone one measly boy without ther full powers. She didn't really want to hurt Shinji, though.

She sighed as she turned off the screen and stood up. She should probably just investigate further.


Shido knocked on the door with trembling hands, steeling himself for one of the largest challenges he had to face, rivaling even Mio in danger. The door he was standing in front of was the door of Origami Tobiichi.

He had promised to explain everything to her in return for her help with the whole fake Kurumi attack, and he was here to keep his promise to the white haired girl. Naturally, he had not forgotten her personality, practically at yandere levels of crazy. Even Camael had gotten a worthy challenge in this room.

No sooner had his hand left the door than the door swung open with incredible force.

"You're here. Come in."

"Ye- wait wHAAAAAAA-"

Not giving him the chance to walk in normally, she grabbed his collar and pulled him in forcefully. Dragging him over to the living room, she sat down right next to him- right next to him -and pointed at the teapot on the table.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Eh?! No, no, no, I'm good!!"

"A shame. That was my chance."

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