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Origami was breathing heavily. The little girl in front of her was floating in the air, showing off immense power.
Her team members were all lying on the ground, utterly defeated.
This girl was not a Spirit, far from it.
Her face was very similar to the blue haired boy she knew so well.

This was Mana Takamiya, a Wizard sent over from DEM. Due to the AST failing to capture any spirits, despite the incredible amount of appearances, they had stepped in to remedy the situation. They had sent over one of their most powerful wizards, nicknamed Adeptus Two.
Boasting the fifth best Realizer control in the world, she was more than capable of going head to head with a Spirit. Something that was demonstrated quite clearly by the groans of the rest of the AST.

Origami gritted her teeth. She could only dream of reaching such a level. Despite her best efforts, she was completely outclassed by a young girl. The best she could do now was mount one last resistance.

Mana looked down at her calmly. "Well done for surviving so far. Come at me anytime you like."
She hardly saw her as a threat. What could she do now?

Origami sped forward, shooting bullets at Mana. Instead of outright being blocked, the few that were on course to collide with her small form had their courses diverted, hitting the wall behind her. Mana simply materialized a large blade and slashed lazily. She didn't put that much effort into it, but it approached at a terrifying speed, regardless. But her lack of concentration wouldn't turn out so well for her.
Origami immediately threw her gun into the path of the blade,  contracting her territory to a terrifying degree. 
"Wha-?" Mana's eyes widened. Her sword cut straight through the gun like butter, causing a large explosion that sent debris rocketing everywhere. On top of that, Origami's territory suddenly expelled a large amount of steam. She had gathered up a large amount of moisture from the air and condensed it. Leaping over Mana with the compressed territory, her thrusters fell off onto her, at the same time as she slashed her back with No Pain.

Her plan worked, somewhat. The overload of the many different attacks and distractions had distracted Mana- a little. She felt a tiny amount of feedback from her arm, the feeling of her blade sinking a few millimeters into the skin. 

Naturally, this wasn't enough to defeat her. In the next instant, she was violently launched backwards, along with the rest of the chaos. 
Mana winced as she turned around. "Not bad. That really took me by surpsise, you know?"

Origami couldn't say anything as she passed out.


"Okay class, today we're getting a new transfer student!" 
The whole class erupted after hearing those words coming out of the mouth of their homeroom teacher, Tamae Okamine. 
Shido himself was also rather surprised. Or, at least, he would've been, had he not been through this before.
"Kihihihi.." With a chilling laugh, Tokisaki Kurumi entered the classroom. 
The Worst Spirit, Nightmare, had finally showed up.
She naturally wasnt wearing her showy Astral Dress, instead wearing the simple Raizen school uniform. Not that she looked bad in it, in fact, quite the opposite.
The whole class went silent, as if someone had cast a magic spell. She hadn't used her spirit powers or anything, her presence was simply that awe-inspiring. The boys all stiffened, even the girls were no exception.
"How about you introduce yourself? I'm sure everyone is dying to know!"
Tamae remained oblivious, urging her on.
"Hello, my name is Tokisaki Kurumi. It's a pleasure to meet you all..."
With the crushing power of a sweet smile, she completed her introduction... almost.
"...and I'm a spirit."
The last line left everybody more dumbfounded than before. Most people simply thought she was wierd, but Origami and Tohka reacted with obvious surprise.
Shido himself remained calm, simply looking at Kurumi. 
She winked back at him, covering up her surprise at his lack of a reaction.
"I see..." The teacher didnt really know what to say, resulting in an awkward silence.
"..Anyway, that seat over there seems to be free! Why don't you head there for now?"
"Very well. I hope to get to know you all!"
Kurumi glided over to her spot, still suspicious of Shido's inactivity.

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