Humpty Dumpty

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"Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All Westcott's horses and all Westcott's men

Couldn't stop Dumpty from fa~lling then"

Maybe I can reproduce a scene from that show my grandfather used to watch? What was it called again.... Du-ragon Ball Zee? With the Spirit bomb.... Spirit.... ha-ha-ha-ha-HA-HA-HA..

Murdoch's assistant simply looked at him with pity. His sanity clearly was gone when it came to Westcott. Not that anybody could blame him..


"I don't know why I even came along here..."

Natsumi grumbled while looking at the various people around them. Naturally, she didn't have her adult form on right now, meaning her true appearance was exposed for all to see.

"You promised to listen to us, remember?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to do.. this..."

They were on the date that Shido had asked Natsumi for. It took a bit of convincing, but she eventually folded with them reminding her of the bet, along with how nice she looked.

Shido smiled upon seeing her pout, causing her to become angrier.

"Why are you laughing at me?"

"That's not it, you just looked... cute."

Natsumi coughed, almost choking on her glass of water.

"What is wrong with you?! What kind of cringe person even says those lines like that? Do you have a ment-"

"May I take your orders, please?"


Natsumi whirled around to see the waiter standing there, notebook in hand, wearing an awkward expression. He clearly was fed up with waiting and didn't want to watch the squabble continue.

"I'll have the salmon filet, with fries on the side."

Shido quickly pointed to his dish of choice. Seeing as Ratatoskr was paying, he had no reason to hold back.

"Understood. And for the young lady?"

"Ah.. sure. I'll have this... number fifty-five. Mixed grill."

Natsumi's face twitched when she heard what the waiter called her, but ordered anyway.

"Very well. Would you like a side dish?"


Natsumi froze.

Would you like a side dish? --> You should probably eat a little more... --> You thin as hell lmaoo

How dare he!

She rapidly turned red with anger, and opened her mouth to give the poor waiter a piece of her mind.


Shido had reacted quickly, expertly sliding a piece of bread into her mouth.

"Calm down. She doesn't want side dishes, thank you."

The last part was directed at the waiter, who hurriedly nodded and left with a drop of sweat trickling down his neck.

"What did you do that for?!"

Natsumi glared at Shido after she finished eating the bread - it would be a waste to not eat it now that it was in her mouth, after all.

"That waiter was trying to call me thin!"

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