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"Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you! My name is Tobiichi Origami."

Gasps arose all around at the appearance of the new classmate. She was a beautiful white-haired girl with a kind appearance, in part due to the radiant smile on her face. Her appearance was even comparable with Tohka, who should have been second to none. Hell, even Tonomachi was impressed.

"Damn, she could actually compete with my darling!"
Tonomachi cried out while clutching his phone to his chest, causing a few eye rolls and disgusted looks from the class.

"Ehehe, let's see. You can go ahead and take the seat next to Itsuka over there, Miss Tobiichi. That one seems to be free."

"Thank you, I will - Eh?!"


She stopped abruptly in front of Shido, with her eyes widened slightly. The expression on her face was as if she was meeting a long lost friend.... or maybe a ghost?

"It's ... but that's impossible.."

"Can I.. help you?"

"No, it's nothing."

Origami quickly made her way over to her seat and sat down.
From time to time, she looked over at Shido, alternating between a quizzical and sad expression.
Seeing this, Shido discreetly tore a small part of his notebook and scribbled something on it.
He then put it onto her desk, waiting until the moment Tama turned to the board to write something about some event down.


"You said you wanted to meet me?"

Origami stood on the roof in front of Shido with a feeling of nervousness and confusion floating around her. She had just returned to her seat after a toilet break when she noticed a folded piece of paper on her desk, asking her to come to the roof during lunch break to talk with Shido.


Nodding his head, Shido continued on.

"In class earlier, you reacted weirdly when you saw me, as if you knew me. Have we met before?"

Origami drew in a sharp breath and shook her head.

"Sorry if that bothered you! You just looked really similar to someone I met before. It's impossible for that to be you. It was five years ago, after all. And... That person is dead now."

She suddenly went quiet and looked up at Shido, seeing surprise in his expression.

"Ah! Sorry if I surprised you! I just went on without think-"

"Wait. Did you see that person in the fire disaster five years ago? And he looked just like me?"

Origami nodded with her confusion only growing larger until a realization hit her.

"Yes, how did you...? Unless... Itsuka, was that your brother?!"

Shido scratched his head.

"Something like that."

Origami fell into an astounded silence and looked down and the ground. Shido tried to peer at her face, but it was obscured by her bangs in front of her face. Suddenly she trembled all over and grabbed Shido's hands with tears in her eyes.

"Then... Thank you so much! Thanks to your brother, I was able to spend one more year with my parents before they died! It was a short time, but it made a huge difference! So.... so!"

Shido smiled and gently let go of her hands.

"Can I ask you something?
 Why did you join the AST?"

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