"He's really annoying me a bit.. I don't wanna make this sound weird but it is weird. He's weird. He keeps asking me to buy me as if I'm some kind of object and then I keep telling him off and threaten to call the police.. You don't have to worry though! I'm sure he's just a weird guy.." the smaller then said trying to not make Jimin worry.

Yoongis cat eyes meeting Jimins siren eyes, going dead silent as he saw the annoyed expression on Jimins face.

For a minute or two it was silent, Jimin eventually letting out a long, deep breath and tapping his finger on the table.

"Does that happen often? Is he bothering you a lot?"

"I mean.. It was the second time last week.. I didn't see him since." Yoongi shrugged.

Jimin only nodded his head as if understanding, toying with the small plastic cup in his hands.

If Yoongi didn't know better, he would've said Jimin looked Jealous in that moment.
Jealous that someone else seemed to be interested in him.
Jealous that someone dared to speak to him privately for no apparent reason.

Taking the last bite of his food and Yoongi quickly threw the empty box away, about to head back to work when jimin stood up and moved in front of him, blocking his way.

"I'll give you my number. Call me if he should show up again. I'm gonna solve this for you."

"Huh? Solve it for me? Jimin it's alright yo-" however there the taller already shook his head with a small smile and held out his hand.

"Give me your phone."

Yoongi looked a bit unsure at Jimins hand, about to reject the idea when he made eye contact with Jimin and decided that it perhaps was a better idea to just go with it.

Jimins small smile again on his lips, his eyes staring at Yoongi like crazy until the smaller finally handed over his phone, Jimin putting in his number like he mentioned and handing it back.

"I have to go now.. But I'm sure we'll see each other again very soon Yoongi."

A small smile and wave, and the male left the store once again.

It really was confusing Yoongi.
One second so sweet and happy and the other Jimin seemed annoyed as fuck.

He didn't question it further though.
With everything going on he had better stuff to worry about.

Paying his rent for example.
He was working his ass off day and night, trying to save money and somehow live his life. That however was very difficult with his father who kept buying drinks and got drunk on an daily basis that Yoongi sometimes himself was surprised how he still was alive.

It wasn't unusual that they sometimes got into an argument or that some screaming and yelling would be heard in the apartment complex.

It happened before and Yoongi honestly could only feel stupid for even starting an argument with his father when he knew the outcome.

A small fight wouldn't kill him however.
It took more than that to make him lose his mind.

Of course the pain was bothersome, but nothing he couldn't handle.

A small bruise on his cheek, a busted lip and some more small bruises on his arm.

He continued his day like usual however, work for another day and on his way to his shift at around 7pm when he heard a voice behind him.

"Found you~ and did you change your mind? How about this.. 55 Million ? My last deal though and I won't go further up pre-..."

Taehyungs big smile, his nearly teasing sounding voice dying down when Yoongi turned around to look at him a bit annoyed.

"Taehyung I'm not interested. Stop bothering me already I'm-" Yoongi was cut off by Taehyung who grabbed Yoongis chin and took a close look at his face, eyeing the small bruise on his cheek.

Never had Yoongi imagined to see Taehyung to look even more intimidating when looking pissed. It was just like Jimin, always seeing him overly smiley and happy and then seeing him pissed was such a big difference.

"What happened there!? Who did that?!"

Yoongi finally realized that it wasn't even Taehyungs business in the first place, pushing his hand off and taking a step back.

"none of your business." he only said turning around to keep walking only for Taehyung to suddenly grab his waist and pull him back.

"Answer me when I'm speaking to you! Someone damaging my property is my business."

"Your-excuse me!?" Yoongi now said, pushing Taehyungs hands off once again and turning around to look at the taller.

He seriously was getting on Yoongis nerves.
He was getting way too close, was way too touchy and calling him his property was just weird.

"Listen to me. I'm not your property, you can't buy me, I won't ever be somehow owned by you, I don't even wanna have anything to do with you in general so finally piss off and get the fuck out of my view!"

Taehyung raised an eyebrow, shaking his head a bit and holding back a small smile.

"That's too bad Yoongi.. Because I don't give a single shit about what you want. I just wanted to make it easier for me and wait for you to accept the deal, but if you really don't I guess I have to come up with something else."

".. Sure. Leave me the fuck alone, how about that?" Yoongi asked before turning around and walking off, ignoring Taehyung who watched him until he got inside the bus he had to take.

This wasn't the end.
Yoongi honestly knew that, but pushing the thought aside was easier than worrying all day about this odd guy.

Taehyungs small obsession now only seemed to have gotten worse.
He had to think and act fast.
The small bruise just a sign for him, that he had to finally get in action and claim the smaller as his to prevent further damage.

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