The door lock turning, clicking open.

Astrid licked her lips, trying to stay as calm as she could even though she was shaking of anxiety. She plastered a causal smile on her face, swinging the door open, his back to her as he stared out the large window in between two beds.

"You alright mate?" She asked, leaving the door cracked open behind her incase Ron or Hermione decided to check in

"I miss them Astrid" his voice shook "so much"

"I know" Astrid walked over to him, looking at the bright sun hidden behind clouds "I know you do Harry"

"I should've been dead too, if all I was going to bring was bad luck, if I was going to be the reason others around me died, I should've died" Harry's eyes are glossed, but he won't cry, he doesn't infront of others, Astrid wonders if he even allows himself to cry when he's all alone, with no one to be vulnerable before

"Don't say that" Astrid's anxiety of Harry hurting himself hung over her like a big dark cloud "please don't push us away either, not when you know you can't cope on your own"

"Isn't that what you did?" Harry looked over at her "push everyone out, try and put on your best face for us, just so it wouldn't stress us out"

Astrid shook her head "you aren't alone Harry, not in this, not in anything"

"I don't know what to do with myself" he laughed lightly

"They loved you, so incredibly much, you have to be strong, you have to push because you deserve to get through it, they're waiting for you to live freely; for yourself Harry" Astrid squeezed his hand "it's going to be okay" she took his face in her hands "it's all going to be okay Harry, we're here, we're all here, share your pain, let us carry the weight"

Harry looked to the side, Hermione and Ron stood by the doorway. Smiling softly at the two.

"The only people I need" Harry slowly wrapped his arm around Astrid who rested her head on his chest, Hermione wiping the tear away from her eye as she and Ron joined "the only people I'll ever need"

"We'll always be here mate" Ron cleared his throat, him and Harry not used to such intimate affection

"Promise" Hermione smiled "wether you like it or not"

"Don't let me go" Harry's voice is weak and strained for a moment

"Never" Astrid dabbed the water prickled in her own inner corners away

"Alright, alright" Ron laughed "enough of this sappy stuff, we've got a Snape to drive mad today"

"Remember when we drove the ford Angela into the whomping willow" Harry snickered, patting Ron on the back as they left the dorms, collecting their things from the common room "we should do that again"

"Yeah sure thing mate" Ron shoved Harry jokingly "So I can barf all over your shoes again"

"The howler was the best part, hands down" Astrid giggled "man, you were almost as red as your hair"

"My hairs ginger you tosser, not red" Ron rolled his eyes

"It's leviosa, not leviosa" Astrid mimicked, sticking her tongue out as Harry coughed on a laugh, watching Hermione's mouth drop

"Rude" she crossed her arms, sticking her nose in the air

"Oops" Astrid made a face at Harry who watched with an amused look "I meant-"

"Forget that" Harry flung the door open to Snape's class "I was thinking we dress up and go to tonight's party, take Hermione's bag with us and fit all the food and drinks in it and than go back to our dorm and watch a movie on Astrid's magic DVD player"

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