A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite's Evil Crest

Start from the beginning

Ami frowned, "We need to prepare ourselves to face them."

Rei glared, clutching her broom as she stated, "Let's rush in all at once and crush them!"

Ami turned to her with a shake of her head, "We're not capable of doing that yet."

Luna looked at Rei, "Ami's right. You have to prepare for that confrontation by studying and training yourselves."

Rei smirked, looking at me, "Like Usagi does?"

I rolled my eyes, replying, "I'll have you know that I go to the gym three days out the week and study every night before I go to bed."

Luna nodded, "It's true. As much as it pains me to admit this, Usagi trains and studies every day, even if she's a little slow sometimes."

I nodded in agreement until what Luna said caught on and I gasped, glaring at Luna. Before I could say anything, Ami spoke up, "When we were in middle school, Usagi used to be in the bottom of our class. Now she's really rising in the ranks. A lot of people never thought she would ever do that."

I placed my hand over my heart, clutching it in pain as I whimpered, "Not you too, Ami...my heart can't take all this slander..."

Luna snickered, "I'm just glad Ami and Rei are part of the team now. I think I would've gone insane if it was just Usagi and I."

Ami and Rei laughed as I glared at Luna, who just stuck out her tongue. I huffed, turning away from Luna with my arms crossed.


Naru smiled at me as she poured me a cup of tea, "Sorry about the last-minute call..."

I waved her apology away as I sat across from her, "Don't worry about that. What's wrong, Naru?"

Naru took a deep breath before sighing, "I don't know...It's just that Sis has been acting strange lately. I mean she's become such an aggressive tennis player. Believe me, she's never been like this. She's like a different person now."

I frowned, asking, "Could she be on edge because the tournament is coming up?"

Naru replied, "That's what I thought at first, but I'm starting to think it's more than that."

Naru's eyes started to tear up and I quickly scrambled over to her side, pulling her into a hug as she cried into my shoulder, "What could have happened to her?"

Naru continued to cry into my shoulder as she tole me about what happened after school when she tried to speak to Rui. Naru sniffled, "I've never seen Sis act like that before...It makes me wonder if maybe something terrible happened to her...But she won't even talk to me."

Naru sniffled again as she wiped her tears away as I suggested, "Well, let's try to find out what happened to her, together."

Naru looked up at me with teary eyes, "Usagi..."

I gave her a bright smile, "C'mon, cheer up! We'll figure this out together in no time!"

Naru gave me a nod and we both headed out, going straight to where Rui is, a Tennis School. Once we reached the entrance, I asked, "So Rui comes here to get tennis lessons?"

Naru nodded, nervous, "Yeah. This is where she trains every day after school."

I shivered, feeling a strange energy at the school, which Naru noticed and turned to me, "Something wrong?"

I blinked and shook my head, giving her a smile, "Nope! You ready?"

We heard a scream and quickly headed into the school, heading straight to the courts. We saw a guy laying on the floor with another standing in front of him, pleading Rui to let them take a break. Rui was about to serve the ball as Naru shouted, "Stop it!"

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