63 || Otheon

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Also, I'm making Melissa and Rody love interests, kay? 

not that if you agree really matters, i'm doing it anyway :)


10:23 P.M. || Otheon || Airplane


Y/N hated flying.

The Soldier Hero fidgeted next to Bakugo in her plane seat. The girl despised being off of the ground. A single malfunction and it'll be the end of it all. Not to mention, she was more of an army soldier than a pilot.

It's not her thing.

Y/N was only in the plane for one reason. They were in a different country, Otheon. Y/N, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, Endeavor and a bunch of other pro heroes were there to stop an organization called Humarise. A terrorist group known for a forceful explosion around the world.

As the hero's organization explained basically everything, Y/N tuned out as she misheard the name. She thought it was Humanrise. The entire time she thought all of them could fly.

Hmm. This most be part of those society lessons.

The "Otheon" group aren't the only ones out there.  They were people in France, Japan, Egypt, Singapore, and many other places.

"Hey, robot, come on." Bakugo nudged the girl as everyone was now standing up.

"Where are we going? The plane has not landed yet." Y/N told him, still sitting.

"We're gonna jump, were you even listening?" Y/N's eyes widened slightly.

They were gonna do what?

Y/N didn't even like sitting in the air, now they're going to be falling through it?!




"What do you mean, 'n-"


"Stop that!!"


10:31 P.M || Otheon || Sky

Endeavor had thrown Y/N's ax out of the plane.

You better believe Y/N went after it.

As she replayed scenarios of slicing his back open in her mind, she narrowed her eyes at her target, the hood of her out of country outfit on her head.

As she got closer to the ground, the girl somersaulted in the air, smashing her giant ax into the ground. A giant shock wave, made from the impact, sent the Humarise soldiers flying.

The others soon followed suit, raiding the place.

"Remember, most of the members are quirkless! Go easy on them." Todoroki exclaimed, most talking to Bakugo.

"I know!" The angry hedgehog yelled as he used the light from his explosions to blind them as Todoroki froze their legs.

Y/N was being a lot more harmful as she had switched her ax into her gun. She, of course, changed the bullets into tranquilizer darts.

Such determined workers.

12:32 P.M. || Otheon || Plaza

The Soldier Hero (BNHA x Violet Evergarden!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now