45 || Fun Day

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12:14 P.M. || I-Island || I-Expo

"Great to see you again, David!" All Might said to his old friend, who was  not expecting the visit. 

"Same here, Toshi." David smiled.

Midoriya was in awe. THE David Shield was right in front of him. In person.  His heart was pounding. This was definitely one of the best days of his life! He knew everything to know about the scientist.

"And Dad, look! Y/N's here too!" Melissa exclaimed, excitedly, pointing to the girl who was looking at all the fancy tech across the room. David's eyebrows raised. He wasn't expecting Toshinori, and much less was he expecting Y/N to show up. She only came with Akira, and Akira passed away a while ago.

He smiled. She must've recovered from it.

"Hello, Y/N." David greeted the girl who turned to face the group.

"Oh, greetings, Professor." The girl nodded a greeting. Both of the Shield's were taken aback that she didn't shout at max volume and salute formally. 

"She's really grown up..." All Might laughed at their reactions.

"Thank you for the arms." Y/N bowed respectfully in thanks. Midoriya's face shifted into a surprised one.

"Professor David Sheild built your arms?" Midoriya asked, drawing attention to himself.

"Correct, Midoriya, sir." 

"Oh, who's this? I'm sorry that I didn't notice you." David apologized to the green haired fanboy, whose eyes sparkled in admirement.

"This is my pupil, Midoriya Izuku." All Might introduced the boy. "Young Midoriya, this is-"

"Professor David Shield, super inventor and scientist! A noble peace prize winner, designer of all of All Might's costumes and his former sidekick!" Midoriya completed it for him.

"Haha! Someone knows their stuff." Steam started to come from All Might. His limit was near. David bit the inside of his cheek. He knew about the injury, but Melissa doesn't. He shouldn't ruin that. "Hey, Melissa, why don't you give Midoriya the tour around I-Expo? Y/N, you should visit Lucia. I'm sure she'd be excited to see you." He suggested. Melissa nodded.

"Good idea! Come on, you two, I know just where to go!" Melissa told them. The teens walked out and All Might deflated.

The truth is a cold thing.

12:23 P.M. || I-Island || I-Expo, Evergarden Industries

"Um, the blue one is more sturdy, so if we just add a belt, it would make the outfit more fashionable." Lucia told her worker.

She sighed as it was a long day at work. She sipped her tea as she spun in her spinny chair. The job of a hero costume designer is a busy job. Of course she has to go back and forth from Mustafu to I-Island. 

"Ms. Lucia."


Lucia turned to see her one and only foster daughter. The woman perked.

"Ah! Y/N!" She sprung up and hugged her tightly. She was excited to see the girl. "You came to visit me!" The teenager nodded.

"Correct. I had visited the island for All Might.  I decided to stop by while, thanks to Professor Shield's suggestion." She agreed. 

"I am so glad you are here!" She beamed. "Perfect timing too! Because I just got an invitation to a party later tonight! Would you please, pleeeease come too?" She asked. "Of course, you can attend with Melissa, but would you at least go?"

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