Christmas Special w/ Shinsou!! Merry Christmas, Y/N!!

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A/N: merry christmas for those who celebrate it!! if you don't, happy holidays to you! you can just read this if you want. and don't worry, i will make sure to update on a real chapter soon :)

btw, this is my first holiday special so i decided that for each holiday, y/n would spend the day mostly w/ one love interest. for christmas, y/n will be spending it w/ shinsou mainly.


3:47 A.M. || Mustafu, Japan || U.A. High School - Class 1-A Dorms - Midoriya's Room

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Midoriya blinked as he had been taken from dreamland by the constant loud banging. What was that noise? His heart filled with slight panic. Was there a villain infiltrating the school? Is someone in trouble right now?

He was about to get up and check it out when-




Bakugo had blasted up Midoriya's door, anger radiating off of him. It scared the living daylights out of Midoriya. The green haired boy turned to see Kirishima, Uraraka, Iida, Denki, Mina, Momo, Mineta, and basically everyone in Class 1-A. Only Aoyama, Todoroki, Koda, Hagakure, Asui, and Sado were missing.

"Sorry, Midoriya." Kirishima apologized, grabbing Bakugo's shoulder. "We were just looking for whatever was making that banging sound. Did you hear it too?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah." Midoriya got out of bed and decided to join the search party. An extra loud bang caught them off guard. They all tensed catching the location of the sound.

They all came from Y/N's room.

Was she in trouble?!

They raced to her room and tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge.

"Stand back." Kirishima stated, his skin becoming rocky and hard. With a sharp running start, he rammed into the door, bursting it open. All of a sudden, the sound of a gunshot fired. "Eek-"

"Ah, Kirishima, sir."

"Kirishima, are you okay?!" Iida asked as the group hurried over. Kirishima slowly nodded.

"Yeah, but I just got scared half to death." He chuckled sheepishly, his skin returning to normal. They all turned to see Y/N.

...In an odd position.

The girl had her hair in a messy ponytail and she was wearing her army uniform. A fort was built around her, a whole group of walls of wood. Pillows covered over the wood. Four guns were all pointing at the group of 1-A students, all ready to fire.

And they were huge. 

Wooden barricades surrounded the protective fort. Wooden boards from the door were on the floor, nails laid bent. Y/N quickly put on her army helmet and refilled the ammo. The students deadpanned.

What on earth was going on here?

"Uh, Y/N...?" Uraraka started, looking around, careful to watch her step. "What... what-"

"What the fuck are you doing up here, damn robot?! I'm trying to sleep and I can't do that with your goddamn apocalypse preparations!!" Bakugo interrupted, irritated. 

"I am defending the dorm from him." Everyone blinked for a second, not understanding her answer.


"Who's 'him'?"

"You have never heard of him?" Y/N asked, seemingly surprised. "'He' is a criminal. He breaks into people's home through a chimney. He is said to have a thick white beard and a big red suit. He uses reindeer against their will, taking them all over the world. He is said to leave something in a box, but I am not positive what it is. No one has seen him, so I have decided to bust this criminal in the act." Everyone deadpanned. They all looked among themselves.

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