13 || What are You Talking About

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5:45 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || Bonecrusher Incident

Cold sweat. Eyes bulged. Jaw gaped. Silent stare. Todoroki stood there, staring at the girl who just killed an A-ranked villain, single-handedly. An unbelievable sight. 

He thought back to when he first talked to her. She said she was quirkless, didn't she? No way. Not possible. 

1: That ax is four times her size, there's no way a quirkless girl can pick that thing up.

2: She effortlessly pried open his hand without breaking a sweat.

3: She just killed him with no struggle.

She was sitting on the floor, rubbing the blood off her ax; probably from other people too. A frown was on her face as her eyes were on no one and nothing except for the white battle ax. Quirkless? With that kind of reaction? No wonder she wasn't running away.

"I thought you said you were quirkless." He started in a accusing tone as he walked over to her.

"Yeah? What about it?" She replied in a snippy tone, still mad about her ax.

He grabbbed the ax and picked i-

He tried  to pick it up.

The thing didn't budge an inch. The white ax was still in lap and all he got was a confused look from it's owner. His heart pounded in a mix of confusion and embarrassment. Why couldn't he pick up the ax? How come it was so heavy? He saw the other guy straining to pick it up, but he could at least drag it. Todoroki couldn't even move it. 

How could she pick it up?

"Please let go of Witchcraft. She's already dirty." Y/N told him.

He let go, ignoring the failed attempt. "Did you or did you not just cut that guy in two?"

"I did."

"Then there's no way you're quirkless." He stated, matter-of-factly. He grabbed her arm and pulled off the glove. His eyes bulged. Metallic hands? He pulled down the rest of her sleeve. Metal arms? "What power-up did you use on these?" He asked in a demanding tone.

"'Power-up'?" Y/N repeated in confusion. "What 'power-up'? This is just steel." He scanned her arms again and realized she was right. There's no way. How did she do it? She's got the strength of All Might, if not stronger.

"You can't be quirkless, but that strong." He said. She looked at him in confusion.

"I do not understand."

"You're stronger than All Might. Ther-"

"Stronger than the general?" She shook her hand. "No. I am simply a tool for the Major." 

He blinked. What? "'The Major'. What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about?" The two had a moment of silence as confusion spread like a wildfire. "All I know is that I am quirkless, he had Witchcraft, my ax, I'm not stronger than General All Might, and I guess my shift is over." She told him, looking back at the the ruined bookstore. Is she still getting paid for this?

"But there's no possible way you can be quirkless. You defeated him in sec-"

"!!!" She was looking at her watch. She looked at him with a slight frown. "Sorry, but I have to go. Goodbye." She knelt down to the ground as focused her energy to her legs. With one mighty press-off, the girl shot herself into the air.

"Hey, wait!"

Todoroki watched the girl disappear in the sky, his thoughts still racing about that girl. Her name was Y/N, wasn't it? He'll have to remember that. That girl. She no one ordinary. She was strong. She was fast. She was amazing. She was beautiful.

What made her so powerful?

Why was she so strong?

What was her secret?

5:52 P.M. || Mustafu, Japan || Evergarden Residence - Front door

What was wrong?

As Y/N was walking through the streets, people ran up to her and so did people with cameras. They were all asking if she was okay and was she scared. They were all so concerned. They were all so worried.

And she had no idea why.

Why wouldn't she be okay? How did all those people know her? She didn't recognize a single one of them.

Hm. People are strange.

Y/N raised her hand to knock on the door.

"WHAT KIND OF PRO HERO ARE YOU?! AND TO THINK YOU'RE #1!!" A familiar, frustrated voice yelled through the door. 

"I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" A weak voice apologized in fear.  

Hmm. They sound busy.

She hesitated before she knocked on the door. A loud gasp was heard as footsteps rushed over to the door.

"Is that Y/N?" Lucia's voice asked. She opened the door to see her foster daughter staring back at her with her ax on her back. "Ah! Y/N!" She threw her arms around the teenager in relief. Y/N stood there. She wasn't used to hugs, so she just stood there and let her awkwardly hug her.

All Might came to the door with a bruised cheek and a smile.

"Are you okay, young Y/N?" She nodded.

"Yes, I am unhurt. Why would I be?" She asked innocently. Lucia forcefully pulled away from the hug and grabbed her arms.

"What are you talking about? You were just held captive by a A-ranked villain! I saw it myself!" Lucia exclaimed in a panicked tone. She wiped the tears in her eyes of worry. 

"Oh, him? He wasn't very strong. No need to worry. And look." She pulled out Witchcraft and held it in her hands. "I got Witchcraft back."

"Witchcraft?" Lucia repeated in confusion. "What are you talking about?" All Might blinked in recognization.

"Oh, your ax."

"Huh? The ax?"

"Witchcraft is my ax. I cannot believe I didn't recognize it immetidately." Lucia sighed in exasperation as she pulled Y/N inside.

"You two sure are a handful. Come on, you must be hungry, Y/N. All Might can eat the leftovers."

"Why are you so mean..."

Y/N looked at her two caretakers. Major's words popped in her head.

"When you care about someone and someone cares about you, you become family."

Lucia and All Might...

They were her family.

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