37 || A True Solider

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A/N: Alright, back to the fight! Enjoy! Another big thanks to DottieGamer

11:46 P.M. || Hosu City, Japan || Kamino Department

This was not going nearly as well as it went in All Might's head.

Deflated. In front of the world.

People still needed his help.

He still needed to help people.

He can't lose here. Not now, not ever.

All For One shot a tentacle at the #1 pro hero, hitting his side, making him roll over. He just needs a little time, that's all. Just a little time to focus all his power into one last punch. Just a little time. Maybe he could-

"This is where you fall, All Might!"

All For One came charging at the blonde with a punch ready to end it all. He's got to counter that no matter what--but he wasn't ready. Come on, come on--just one more punch.

In a perfect world, All Might would've been punched right then and there. 

Too bad this world ain't perfect.

Something had taken the hit for him. Something durable.

11:47 P.M. || Hosu City, Japan || Crowded City

Todoroki frowned as he looked up at the TV screen and what just happened.

He knew it.

He knew she would do something reckless like this.

He just didn't know it would something like taking the hit for All Might.

11:48 P.M. || Hosu City, Japan || Kamino Department

"Young Y/N!"

Y/N slid back, the soles of her sneakers digging into the ground, stopping her from launching away into the sky. Her metal arms forming an X directly above her face. The girl bit her inner cheek as the impact had dented her arms.

"Young Y/N! Evacuate immediately! It is not safe here!" All Might shouted at her.

"Order denied."

Seriously? The one rare time where he gave her an order and she denied it? This is no time for stubbornness!

A bunch of heroes crawled from the rubble to see the teenager standing boldly in front of maybe the most ferocious villain in all of Japan. Yet her legs weren't even trembling. She willingly took a hit from him--and she isn't dead? Does this girl not know fear?

No. No, there was no fear here.

Only anger.



Mixed, jumbled emotions that made no sense.

"Little girl! This isn't a game! Get out of here!"

"Just go! It's dangerous here!"

"You'll die if you stay here! Go!"

Many pro heroes shouted against her, and she couldn't hear it--but so was the crowd on the other side of the screen.

"All of you, I apologize, but you have been denied." She stated, looking at the dent in her arms then back up at All For One. She sighed, knowing the doctor will not be happy about this. "All For One, is your name, correct?"

"Yes, but who are you..."

"I am Y/N Evergarden, future hero, at your service."

"Then be of service, and step out the way."

"I apologize, but that will not be happening. I have a question, and I would like you to answer." Y/N didn't even flinch.

"What is it?"

"Nana Shimura. You told everyone in this world that you killed her. Do you... not care how that makes someone feel?" All For One looked at this girl curiously.

"No. Why should I? The weak always get killed by the strong."

"I do not understand."

"You don't understand what?"

"I do not understand what emotion is that. I do not understand emotions in general."


"Emotions are complex and confusing. Nothing makes sense anymore when it comes to emotions. I fail to understand love or hate. I fail to understand sadness and anger. I fail to understand happiness or gratitude. It all makes no sense. I am an empty tool who never learned anything about this before Major. So I apologize if I am incapable of understanding your feelings--as well as you, All Might." Y/N glanced at the pro hero.


"But there is something I have learned, something important." Y/N positioned herself in a fighting stance, eyes narrowed. "You do not play with others feelings. And you, sir, feel like you have to power to. Unacceptable."

"Interesting... You're an interesting girl. Is that why you want to be a hero? To understand emotions?" All For One inferred.


"Well, I'll tell you now. You can only find those answers...if you join me." All Might gritted his teeth. There was no way All For One was taking her. "I see power and worth in you. You're wasting it over on the side of 'heroes'. Join me, and I can give you what you want; answers."

"Young Y/N would never join the likes of you!" All Might intervened, not liking this is going.

"I wasn't asking you. I was telling the girl. Besides, it's the life you're used to isn't it." He told her, lunging towards her, punching her metallic arms. 

"I know who you are, Y/N. You are an emotionless killing machine, who will stop at nothing to complete her mission." Punch.

" It doesn't matter who you go up against, if your orders are to kill, then you'll do it. You have never defied an order in your life, regardless of who it's from." Punch.

Becoming a hero who saves, haha, that's not the life for you." All For One revealed her past with a careless laugh. "You are on fire, Y/N, and it's only growing hotter." Punch

"Incorrect. I am not on fire."

"Oh yes, you are. You and I, we are the same."



Y/N's right arm broke into pieces as that last punch broke it, finally. The parts of it collapsed on the ground and the part built to make them spread out on the floor. All Might eyed it in absolute horror. 

Y/N stumbled back, the largest punch was forcing it up her skin and her feet were hurting a lot since she's been forcing her feet in.

"Why do you put up with this all for the sake of him?" All For One asked, slightly impressed that she could handle all of this and not die.

"Because I'm a solider. And a true solider..."

She smiled at him with narrowed eyes and a determined face.


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