19 | anonymous teller

Start from the beginning

"oh tae, your here! I was worried when I could not find you" he heard jimin call out as he entered the gym hall. 

"yeah sorry, I caught a ride with jungkook this morning and we were running a little late" taehyung replied, following jimin to one side of the large gym hall. 

"I see that you two have been getting along quite well" jimin asked, voice at all different levels as if he is teasing taehyung. the brunette caught on and slapped his shoulder lightly. 

"it is not like that, we were hanging out and we got stuck in a storm when we were at his house so we had to stay there. we bonded and got to know each other, he is a nice guy" jimin smiled at the reply and cleared his throat. 

"does he still call you berry?" jimin asked, chuckling when taehyung nodded and rolled his eyes. 

"every chance he gets" the brunette replied, soon turning his head towards the large entrance when he heard a whistle blow through the air. all the students moved into the middle of the gym when their teacher instructed them too.

"okay class, as some of you may have heard a student of this school had tried to end his own life yesterday at home but failed to do so. he is currently at the hospital and is slowly recovering. it is really important to not just me but to your friends, teachers and family that you talk to them whenever you need"

"I understand if you feel like leaving this world is the answer to all your problems but try talk to someone, someone you trust. if you dont know who to trust, at times the best people to vent to are strangers" 

"I want to do a exercise before starting todays sport session. I have small papers here in this hat with pens attached to it, I want you to write down something that you have been hiding and may be to afraid to share. this will be anonymous and will be read by others" the teacher said, the room was silent as the teacher made his way around to all the students. 

after a few minutes went by taehyung was stuck on what he should write, it was not something he has talked about before. he let out a soft sigh when he saw everyone else started writing and he just went for it. 

"okay I have mixed up all the notes and I have given you each one to read out. you may start jimin" the teacher called out, jimin cleared his throat as everyone sat in a circle. 

"I have tape all over my mirrors in my bedroom because I hate to look at myself" jimin said before sitting down, watching as the next person stood up. as the line continued it got to taehyung. 

the brunette stood up and opened the paper he got, he cleared his throat before speaking. 

"even though I may seem happy, I feel like at times I am drowning in my own self hatred and overthinking. I feel like I have to please other people all the time and I just want to be myself" taehyung said, his voice going softer at the last part. he looked at jungkook quickly, to see the male was looking out the ground. 

he sat back down after reading it out and listened as the other students spoke. some of the papers were a bit long. every student was listening carefully, it was nice hearing other peoples thoughts and feelings. 

it was nice to see that everyone was participating. taehyung watched as jungkook was the last person to stand up, he knew it was going to be what he wrote. 

the raven cleared his throat and let out a breath before he spoke. 

"a few months ago my life changed for the worst, I lost someone who meant the absolute world to me and ever since she past away I have felt no desire to keep on living. she was my bestfriend, my safety net and without her the world turned dark. I struggle getting up every morning, I have dreams about her and i cry whenever I realise the reality of where i am and that she is not here anymore. I am drowning in grief and half of me does not want to be saved cause all I want to do is be with her" jungkook finished, not knowing where to look. 

taehyung felt his heart ache the whole time jungkook was reading, he felt his throat burn and his chest hurt. feeling as if the walls were closing around him. 

"great work everyone, take a five minute break and we will play some games" the teacher smiled, watching as all the students got up. taehyung headed towards the locker room, trying to get away from the voices of students who went back to having fun as if nothing happened. 

taehyung slid down one of the locker walls and hid his face between his legs, letting out a few tears that he was holding back as he covered his mouth as soon as he heard the door to the locker room open. 

he was hidden behind a wall and hoped no one one see him. as soon as the voices stayed in one area he knew he was safe until his eyes met jungkook's brown ones. he cleared his throat and stood up, ignoring jungkook's worried gaze as he wiped his tears and turned to smile at him. 

"you okay?" taehyung asked, watching as the raven frowned softly and walked towards him. 

"you have been crying, talk to me" he whispered, arm brushing taehyung's but it felt like the last thing he needed right now. so he panicked and cleared his throat as he stepped back. 

"I am fine, let's get back" taehyung replied fast, brushing his hands through his hair and wiping his teary eyes before leaving jungkook alone in the locker room. 


Aunty: hey tae, I got a call from my son who lives in korea he is not doing so well and has been feeling quite sick. I have had to leave work for a few days so I can go take care of him for a few days. I will be back by the weekend. I have ordered some groceries for you that should arrive when you get home. text me when you get home so I know your safe. sorry I had to leave so quickly. 

Me: no need to apologise aunty, take care of your son. I will keep your house safe <3 

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