Minho x Chan -> try to swim

Start from the beginning

"Hyung... it's too deep!" He whispered and placed his hands on the olders shoulders. Minho hated how he felt so vulnerable. No one out of his Hyung would ever be allowed to see him like this.

"Then let's go a few meters to the other side, the ground should be a bit higher there." Chan quickly took Minho to the other side of the pool and let him go, once the younger could stand without drowning.


After one hour Minho got comfortable with the water and sometimes even let go of Chan and walked a few steps or tried to swim a bit, but it always looked like a cat was trying to swim, so he just let it be and mostly walked.

When he was again on a Chans back, they heard a loud thud and a high scream. Both of their heads snapped up and saw a young, pregnant woman holding onto the wall and pressing her belly. Her pants were wet and it looked like her water broke.

Chan immediately let go of Minho and swam to the woman. He quickly laid her down and grabbed the phone from his bag and dialed the emergency But what he didn't notice was Minho who was struggling to stay up, since Chan left him in the deepest spot of the pool. Water got in his mouth and nose and he couldn't bring up the strength to push himself up. He felt how he got dizzy, but what was worse was that his inner child came out due to his memories.
Tears left his eyes and then everything went black.

The woman was crying and holding onto Chan's arms so tight, the male thought she would rip his arm off if the doctors wouldn't come soon.
As he suddenly spotted her phone, he grabbed it and dialed the emergency contact. Another male voice answered and Chan tried to explain to him that the water of his wife broke and where he should come.

As he ended the call he looked around, since he didn't hear or saw Minho and had a not-so-good feeling. What he saw in the pool wasn't a nice view. Minho was floating on top of the water, his head down and not moving.

"Minho!" He yelled and ran towards the unconscious body, not caring about the woman's complaints, since he saw her husband already running down the stairs.

To his luck, he saw Minho moving his hands a bit, which meant he wasn't dead. He jumped in the pool and lifted Minho, carrying him to the edge again and getting him out of the water.

"Wake up Min!" He screamed and shock the younger, but no reaction. So he tried to revive him and after a few tries Minho started spitting out all the water. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around. Tears welled up in his eyes, as he realized what happened.

"No... no..." He yelled, confusing Chan.

"Where Daddy?" Minho yelled, crying very hard now. Chan furrowed his eyebrows, not knowing what was going on.

"It's called little space and it seems like he has no caregiver." A voice explained to him. It was the husband of the pregnant woman. Chan just looked at him, still questioning what Minho was doing.

"He is mentally younger and also acts like it. Little need a caregiver who looks after them and gives them attention since little space is often caused because of trauma or stress." The man explained more details and Chan finally understood.

"Hey sweety, can you tell me how old you are?" He asked the little one, who held four fingers up, still crying. Chan send a thankful look to the man, but he was already back with his wife.

"Let's go back to our room and rest for a bit. When you're big again we will talk. Okay?" Minho nodded and made grabby hands towards Chan, hoping the older would pick him up and Chan couldn't resist those cute kitty eyes and picked him up without complaining. Minho immediately wrapped his arms around Chan's neck and his legs around his waist and hid his head in Chan's neck.

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