Florence pugh - relationship

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Flo's POV:
I smile as I wiggle in my chair slightly whilst listening to one of my favorite interviews Anna start talking. I love this interview specifically because she is so polite and hilarious and we get along so great, everyone always loves the interviews that are released when it is her asking the questions.

"I'm so excited to be filming with you again" I say with a laugh and she smiles with a small blush before saying "awww thank you so much I'm excited to have you back"

I grin at her and listen as she starts to talk "ok so it has actually been a while since I've spoken to you so shall we do a quick recap of what's happened since last time, because I know at that point you had just made your appearance in Hawkeye right?" She questions slightly so I nod my head and say "yep thats right Hawkeye was released and that's as far as my career was then" we both chuckle a little before she continues

"Ok so a lot has happened, you've announced a relationship you're currently in with y/n y/l/n who is an world champion MMA fighter" she says making me smile as I nod my head "yes that's right! We were together however when we last filmed we just weren't out to the public" she raises her eyebrows slightly and says "no way really!! How long have you guys been together so you kind me asking?"

I grin at her knowing she asked what I was comfortable speaking about before the interview and so I say "gosh we've been together since during Covid because we met whilst volunteering in New York" she smiles at me and says "wow that's amazing! You have been together for at least 2 years now" and I nod my head with a grin.

She looks down at the cards in her hands and says "ok so I have a few things I'd love to talk about but I'll give you the option in which order, so I have all sorts of questions about your relationship with y/n" she says laughing a little whilst looking up wt me cheekily.

I laugh at her expression as I nod my head and then she goes on to say "there's a few questions about Don't Worry Darling and then also your friendship with the Marvel cast" I smile at the thought of Jeremy, Hailee and Scarlett and then say "ok so I think I'd like to start with Dont Worry Darling" I look forward at her knowing she knows it's not a topic I want to stay on too long.

She smiles at me sincerely and then says "perfect ok so my first question is what did y/n think about the film" and I laugh at her question. "Ok that's better than expected, y/n honestly loved the film. He really did and he was so supportive throughout it I really wouldn't have done it without him on set with me all the time and helping me with my lines and scenes etc" I say smiling at the thought of him helping me throughout the production.

Anna smirks at me a little "that is so sweet, now I know a question alot of people like to ask which isn't my favorite but I have been requested to so the question is what did y/n make of all the more intimate scenes you had with your co star Harry Styles" although the question is common unfortunately as it is a little shitty I smile at the thought of how well y/n handled it.

"Honestly he handled it so well, I mean they are scenes that are you know very intimate and it isn't something I'd expect everybody to welcome and be okay with, so knowing that he supported me either way and didn't make a fuss was so important to me" I say holding my hand together as I think of him.

Anna smiles sweetly at me as she nods her head and says "that's amazing I'm so happy for you!! Now moving on to the next question what did think of the plot and did you have any favorite parts"

I answer that and another question or two about Dont Worry Darling before we move on to the topic of my Marvel family.

"Honestly Hailee really did become one of my close close friends throughout filming and I'm so happy we met, she really is such a bright person and I do love her so much. I also love that she has a wild side so she is a lot of fun at parties" I say answering a question about hailee with a small smile.

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