Scarlett Johansson ~ lifeguard

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Scarlett POV:

"Rose stay in the baby pool for now ok, you don't have your arm bands on" I shout over to my daughter from the pool loungers. I see her put her thumbs up at me which makes me laugh. I decide to just sit and watch rose in the pool playing with other kids for a little bit before making my way over to her.


I've been sat sunbathing for a little while now and I'm now sat next to the pool rose is in and throwing little children's weights for her to go and pick up. It's basically a game of fetch. I laugh to myself at the thought when I'm pulled out of my own thoughts by rose who is tapping my leg. I smile at her and say "you ok?" Which makes her smile at me and nod her head before she says "can you please go and get my ball so we can play catch" and i smile a little wider at her and then say "yeah of course do you want me to bring you your juice too" i question as it's getting a little hotter. "Yes please mommy" she says and then turns to splash in the water along with other children.

I grab roses pink ball that has a smiley face on and her apple juice and am just about to grab my own water when I hear a big splash.

I turn around to see what it is and see the lifeguard has just dove into the water. I look over to see if rose is still ok when I notice she isn't in the baby pool anymore. I look around a little frantically for her and when I can't see her I get even more worried. I look back over to the life guard coming up from under the water and see a small body in his arms.

Please don't be Rose. Please don't be Rose.

I think to myself when he turns to put the small body on the ground. Oh my god it's Rose. I immediately run over and work my way through the small crowd that's gathered and see Roses small body lay on the floor and the lifeguard pressing on her chest gently but not too gently. I quickly kneel next to her body.

Y/n POV:

I'm pressing on the little girls chest after I pulled her from the water after some guy walked into her and she fell into the pool.

A woman who I assume is her mother kneels down next to her and says "what's happening? Why isn't she opening her eyes?" She asks frantically trying shake the little girls arm a little. I ignore her for a second to concentrate when I hear a small cough from the little girl before she starts to cough up more water.

I sit her up and lean her forwards whilst tapping her back to help her get all the water up. Once the water stops coming out she coughs some more and I see the woman beside her pass her some juice. The little girl sips it and then once she's gathered her surroundings a little more she immediately starts to cry and the woman pulls her into her chest and starts to rock her a little while stroking her hair.

I turn around and look at the crowd surrounding them and spot the guy that bumped into her just stood drinking his beer on his phone on the far end of the pool.

I touch the woman's arm gently and she looks up at me. "I'll be back to help you in just one second ok" i say gently and she nods her head with tears in her eyes and nestles into her daughters head again.

I stand up and clear a way through the crowd before heading up to the guy. "Hey" I shout from a distance. He doesn't look up at me so I say it again this time getting a response. "Can I help you" he says snarky. "You just basically pushed that little girl into the pool. She could have died" I say angry and gesturing to the little girl. He laughs slightly and then says "look man what happens to other peoples kids isn't my problem" with a smirk. I scoff and think for for a second about how to approach this and then just swing for the guy hitting him right in his jaw. He drops his drink and stumbles back on to a lounge chair behind him and then falls off that.

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