Scarlett johansson - game

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You and Scarlett are stood in the locker rooms underneath Wembley stadium and she has her arms wrapped around your neck and in return your arms are resting in her waist. "Good luck baby, you got this" she says after pecking your lips quickly. "Even if We do lose this I still win cause I got you" you tease. "Mhm you do but winning this game would mean you are a double winner which meanssss you get double the reward" Scarlett flirts back seductively.
     You feel your dick twitch in your shorts and groan slightly before kissing her but your quickly interrupted by your team mate Marcus rashford who leaps into the room and pulls you backwards and away from your fiancé whilst shouting "cmon dude we gotta walk out and get warmed up" "yeah yeah I'm ready" you answer back with a teasing tone whilst playfully rolling your eyes. "You got it" Scarlett says one last time before kissing your cheek and walking out to find her seat. "Alright let's gooo" you shout getting hyped up and ready for your match. Your a football player for The mens England national football team and you loved it, definitely your passion. Always has been always will be but Scarlett is definitely more important than football ever could be.

——-time skip———

You're playing in the second half of the Euro 2020 finals and your playing italy. It's been a good game with many shots taken but missed of defended. Your teammate Jack Grealish has just blocked a shot from one of Italy's players and now is looking around to figure out his next move. You signal to Jack that your open and he kicks the ball over to you, you take off running towards the other end of the field to try and score a goal, you only have a couple of minutes left before it goes to penalties as your 1-1. Jorginho from Italys team runs towards you and attempts to tackle you but you direct the ball around him just before his foot hits the ball and retrieve it on the other side of him. You keep running towards the goal until Bonucci comes towards you, you see Sancho open in the box and pass the ball to him, the defender heads after the ball leaving you open yet again. Sancho passes the ball back to you lining you up until your boot comes in contact with the ball and it heads straight towards the goal....italys goal keeper jumps to block the ball but misses by a centimeter. All of your fans scream and jump up and down and you run to the side of the pitch facing them all with your teammates following behind you, as you get to the sidelines you jump up and as you land you do the black widow pose and then blow a kiss into the camera. You feel your teammates pounce on you pulling you into a group huddle all congratulating you and hyping you up.

——-another time skip lol———-

"We owe it all to Y/L/N here for this win" your manager Garett Southgate says gesturing towards you infront of all your team members. Everyone erupts in to cheers again before splitting off and getting changed and ready to head out. "Well played Y/L/N I never doubted you for a second" Southgate says to you then pats your shoulder before walking away to do some interviews and take some pictures. You feel someone jump on to your back and wrap their arms around your neck before jumping off and standing infront of you and leaning up to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. You kiss back until you start struggling for air then pull away to see Scarlett looking at you with the biggest smile ever and a proud look on her face. "Well done baby I told you that you got it" she says hugging you. "You did darlin, thank you for supporting me always" you say hugging her back tighter. "Always" she whispers softly into your shoulder. "Do you know what else you said" you ask Scarlett getting a hum in response. "You said that me winning this means I get double the reward" you whispered seductively into her ear. She chuckle lightly before pulling away from your embrace and joining her lips to your softly u til she pulls away and says "it seems I did say that....we should go home and see what your reward is" against you lips. "Yes we should" you say back before kissing her again. A lot of cardio was done that day...and not just on the pitch.

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