Hailee steinfeld - 4 wheeler

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Y/n POV:
I can feel the sun burning on my back as I walk down the road towards the motorbike and 4 wheeler hire shop. Im on holiday in Arizona for 2 weeks with my brother jack, his girlfriend Sarah, my sister Sophie and my sisters boyfriend will and my girlfriend Hailee. Today we decided to hire a quad bike for the day and do a little off roading so me, jack and will are walking to get them. We hire 3 out for 12 hours and then ride them back to the hotel we're staying in.

*****45 minutes later********

"Ok everyone ready?" I ask looking beside me to see everyone split onto the three quads. It's just a couple each quad. "Yup all good" jack and will reply. "Ok. You ready H" I ask hailee who is sat behind me with her arms around my waist. She tightens her grip on me a little before she says "yeah all ready baby" I smile and then slowly pull away from the side of the empty back roads. Hailees grip on my shirt tightens but after a while of riding around and once she is used to it then it starts to loosen until she is holding on to the bars behind her.

After a while we all decide that we will switch so the girls can have a turn at driving. The others go off and leave me and hailee to switch. Hailee situates herself infront of me as I was to her before and I explain what to do and all the basics. "Ok I think I've got it" she says gripping the handle bars. I place my hands on her thighs trying to comfort her and I feel her tense a little. "You sure?" I ask worriedly. She clear her throat before saying "yeah 100%" and pulling away.

Hailees POV:

I grip the handle bars after telling y/n I was ready to start driving the quad. I feel y/ns hands rub along my thighs. My breathing hitches slightly and I tense a little, it was bad enough seeing him ride the quad and look so hot doing it and now this....

"You sure?" He asks with concern lacing his voice. I clear my throat a little then say "yeah 100%" as convincingly as possible and start to drive away.

So I've been driving the quad for around 45 minutes now and if you're wondering how it's going...well, it's going. Every now and then y/n squeezes my hips or my thighs as reassurance that I'm okay and doing well but oh my stars is it doing more than that.

Each and every time he squeezes my hips even slightly I want to go back to the hotel and not leave for the rest of the day. And don't get me started with his hands on my thighs....the temptation is unreal.

I keep thinking that he must know what he's doing to me but then I'm fighting with myself because he's got to be just trying to reassure me. Right?

Y/n Pov:

I keep giving hailee little reassuring squeezes on her hips or rubbing her thighs trying to keep her calm and easy going.....now don't get me wrong i really do just want her to feel comfortable and my movements were all innocent. Key word being 'were'....yup you heard correctly, they are no longer innocent. I figured out what I was doing after a short while and have no intentions to stop any time soon.

We have been meeting up around every 45 minutes with everyone else to check in but other than that we all keep going our own way to find different spots and routes to explore. Me and Hailee are on our way to find the nearest store to get some bottles of water because stupidly we all forgot some and are in extreme need of water. Once we have 6 bottles of water me and Hailee agree that we will all be hungry soon so go through a McDonalds drive thru.

Once we have ordered and payed we are waiting at the window for our food and I come up with a great idea.

I lean forwards and place my hands on Hailees hips, she moves in her seat a little bit I slowly move my hands slowly down her thighs to her knees before bringing them slowly back up on her inner thighs "you're good at this huh" I say quietly next to her ear. Her breathing hitches before she replies "yeah it's uh...it's fun" stumbling over her words a little. I grin at her trouble with hiding my affect on her. I kiss behind her ear and her neck gently whilst still rubbing her thighs. "And here's your food for you guys" the lady at the window says to us. I pull away from Hailee and take the food from her hands as I say "Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day" and allowing Hailee to pull away.


We take the water and the food back up to everyone else and enjoy it all together when the others decide they want to head back the hotel. We say goodbye as me and H wanted to stay a little longer and so I can ride the quad some more.

It's back to how we started with me infront of hailee and her behind me, but instead of her hands being wrapped around my waist they're doing what I did to her. Slowly rubbing my thighs right near my crotch, I can literally feel myself twitching in my pants. Jesus! I'm so tempted to pull over but I can't because....Well actually I don't know why. It's empty around here and there is no body around for a good couple of miles.

I smirk to myself before pulling onto a side road and going into a little desert forest area. Hailee is now holding on to my waste because of the bumps before I come to a stop and turning off the engine. "Everything ok?" She questions. "Yup all good, just got to do something real quick" I reply getting off the 4 wheeler and standing behind it. Her eyebrows furrow a little before I lift her by her hips and turn her so she's sat backwards on the back of the quad. So her feet are hanging off the back and she's facing me.

"What are you doing" she asks wrapping her arms around my neck. I don't answer her instead I just lean forwards and kiss her jaw and then kiss down her neck to her collar bone as she finally catches my drift. Her hand ends up in my hair as I suck and bite at her neck. "Baby" she whimpers out. I hum in response and lift my head to attach my lips to hers. I pull away and gently push her shoulders backwards until she's lay along the seat.

I trail my hands from down her sides to her waist and slip my fingers into the waistband of her shorts. "Can I?" I ask tugging gently. She smiles at me before silently nodding.

I start to kiss her stomach a little first to ease her and then trail my kisses down to her inner thighs. "Please baby" she says breathlessly, I smirk at her tone before moving to unbutton her shorts. But before I can I hear the sound of another quad in the distance, Hailee must hear it too because she sits up straight and looks around. I do the same thing and then get in the front of the quad to stand so I can see further.

I see someone in the distance heading towards us so sit back down "cmon love" I say causing her to turn around and wrap her arms around my waist. I drive towards the guy as he gestures for me to stop so I do. "Everything alright mate?" I ask giving him a friendly smile. He glances between me and Hailee and I see his stare last on her a lot longer as he looks her up and down. Does this guy think he's being subtle?

"I was just about to ask you guys the same question" he says with a grin. I give him a fake friendly smile and then say "we're all good pal thanks" and turn to pull off again. "You don't sound American dude where you from" he says. "Yeah I'm from London, I moved to America a couple years back" I reply turning back round to him. "Oh cool" he says and then looks at Hailee "what about you? Do I need to travel to London to find a pretty girl like you" he says with a smirk. I let Hailee reply first not wanting to over react. "No I'm from LA" she reply's being polite. "You wouldn't find anyone as pretty as her anyway mate" I say glaring at him a little. I feel Hailees hands rubbing along my abs, probably telling me not to say anything rude. The guy doesn't even look at me when he says "maybe I can just have her instead" with a smirk plastered on his face.

I scoff at this idiot before saying "never gonna happen buddy keep movin' yeah" which makes him look at me. "Yo chill dude I'm just saying she's pretty" he says snarling me a little. "She knows just how pretty she is, she doesn't need reassurance from a dick like you" I say angrily. Hailee laughs a little before she tries to cover it up. "Have you got a problem pretty boy" he says getting off his quad.

I laugh at his attempt to be intimidating and then say "yeah actually I do" which makes him grin weirdly. "Do something about it then" he says walking closer. "Babe leave him, he's not worth it" Hailee says when I sit up straighter to get off. I huff lightly before putting my hands back on the handles. "Nah I'm good mate I have better things to be doing" I say still glaring at him. "Oh yeah? Like what?" He replies. My god he's cocky isn't he, he just doesn't know when to stop. "Like pleasuring my girlfriend asshole" I answer before driving away and heading back to the hotel. And that is exactly what I did. Pleasure my girlfriend.

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