Cute - kate Bishop

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3rd person:
There she stood. Infront of the Farmhouse door. Y/n raised her hand and knocked 7 times doing a little rhythm on the door before pulling her hand away and taking a step backwards from the door. Inside the house Lila shouted "dad someone's at the door" over to Clint who was stood in the kitchen cleaning a couple of dirty glasses. "Well that's great to know now why don't you open it and see who it is" he responded back whilst rolling his eyes. A loud groan was heard in response before he heard the heavy, dramatic footsteps of his daughter headed towards the door. Just as y/n raised her hand to knock again the door swung open revealing Lila. "Hey Lila, is your dad home" y/n asked getting straight to the point "hey, yeah nice to see you too. No I've been good" Lila said repeating her dads actions as she rolls back her eyes. "Hi, it's nice to see you I hope you've been ok now where's your dad" y/n said trying to look past Lila and into the home. "Is that y/n I can hear" you hear Clint shouting and you can practically hear the smile in his voice. "HEY UNCLE CLINT CAN I TALK TO YOU" y/n shouted out into the house. "Ow y/n" Lila whines covering her ears slightly. "Ok sorry god your such a nag" y/n mumbles under her breath. "Hey kid, what you doing here it's Christmas Day shouldn't you be at home with your parents" Clint says finally appearing a few steps behind Lila who was still in the doorway. "Yeah well dad told me I needed punishing so sent me here, if I knew this is where he'd send me I'd have been a lot naughtier a lot sooner" y/n said with a smirk. "Ha funny, well you can stay with us but you'll have to take the cou-" Clint is cut off by y/n pointing to a mysterious brunette sat over on the couch with a mug in her hand and a few scratches on her face "who's the cute girl, does she like women and is she single" y/n rushes out staring at the brunette before glancing back at Clint who has a deadpanned look on his face. "That girl is the reason you'll be sleeping on the couch y/n" Clint says a little bit bluntly. "That girl is also called Kate" the brunette says towards the two of them.
    "Hmm she IS cute" y/n says tilting her head when looking at Kate. "But anyway I'll take my stuff upstairs and be right back down, so excuse mee" y/n says cheerfully before putting her hand on Lila's head and moving her out of the doorway. Around 3 minutes later you come running back down the stairs and find only Kate sat on the couch just watching the tv but not really paying attention, you decide to go over and make conversation. You walk over to the couch and stop right infront of it before purposely falling backwards and landing with a big thump. You look over at Kate who is giggling at you and say "so Clint never answered my questions when I asked if you were single and liked women" with a smirk on your face. A small blush appears in Kate's cheeks before she looks down. Yup she's definitely cute.

A/n: this is kinda pointless but I seen something similar on tiktok and wanted to write it out :) I hope you liked it.

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