Natasha Romanoff ~ unexpected

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Natasha POV:
"Ok I'm not one to quit but I think it's time to head back to the jet" Tony says into comms as I'm fighting off around 6 hydra agents. I huff and then say "yeah you think?" The sarcasm evident in my voice.

"Maximoff and I are headed back to the jet now" Steve says "you got out of there quick Rogers, weren't already on your way out were you?" I question with a smirk, Clint laughs as he joins my side and we take down the last 2 hydra agents.

"He can do this all day" Wanda says into comms making me laugh and I hear a huff come from Steve. Before I can reply I spot more hydra agents approaching "Me and Barton are heading back now, start it up" I say turning and running towards the jet. We run through the wooded area to get to the jet before hydra can catch up and see it in the distance. I grab Barton's arm as he's falling back and sprint straight toward it.

As soon as we're in it's lifted off the ground and I see the hydra agents try and shoot at us before the door closes completely.

Everyone is panting and breathing heavily as I walk to sit in the passenger seat up front next to Steve. I pat his shoulder and slouch in to the chair. "I thought you were going to call for a code green out there" Banner says from behind me. I shake my head as Steve says "This isn't the final mission Bruce, this was a lead up" we all sit silently for a second before Pietro speaks up from beside his sister. "Where will we go? Should we not lay low for a while" he says in his strong sokovian accent. "I can't risk compromising Laura again" Barton mutters.

I come up with an idea and tell Steve to let me take over flying the jet. "I know somewhere" I say and offer no more information. Tony and Steve both question me but I shut down there questions quickly "you'll find out when we get there" I say then focus on actually getting there.

Y/n POV:

I'm sat at home reading a book in bed with my lamp on when I see lights from outside. I know I'm not expecting anyone so I go outside of my room and knock on the other bedroom door. I hear the person inside tell me to come in and see yelena rubbing her eyes "are you expecting someone" I ask quietly, she shakes her head and tells me no so I tell her about the situation and she stands up and moves to follow me to the top of the stairs.

It's pitch black and we can't see anything at the bottom of the stairs but I hear the front door open and some light and some heavy footsteps. I know that there must be multiple people so quietly move down the stairs and tell yelena to wait until she hears me see who it is.

Once I reach around the bottom of the stairs I move in towards the kitchen that joins into the living room and porch. I can barely make out someone's foot just around the wall so quickly reach around it and grab the persons arm before they start to put up a fight against me.

Natasha POV:

I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me around a wall so I try to pull away not knowing who it is but the grip only tightened. I can't see a thing as it's so dark so I'm wishing my eyes will adjust to the darkness quicker but do my best to fight against the grip of the person and push them into a counter.

Something falls as I push them and I hear a feminine grunt and know who it is immediately, it doesn't stop me from fighting against the grip still because she clearly doesn't know who I am based on the fact she's attacking me. I feel a fist hit my lip and stumble backwards before trying to grab the persons hands.

"Woah what's that" I hear Tony's voice speak up as things continue to get knocked over. I don't answer and hear the others asking questions like what's going on.

The 'attacker' overpowers me slightly, slightly and spins so my back is pressed against the front of them and I feel the hand grab my jaw just as the light is switched on. I make eye contact with the woman before she says "Natasha?" and I grin in response. I can see the others looking at us from the corner of my eye and then turn my head towards them.

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