Max - brie larson

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Y/n POV:

I squeeze bries hand as I look around and see everyone with mic's and clipboards and wires all over the place, it all looks very overwhelming and chaotic. I'm too much of a tidy person to have all these wires around me, all of my things have a space that they live in and I hate moving them.

I look down and to my left and see Brie stood scrolling through her Instagram as she leans against me, I lean down and place a kiss on her head causing her to look up at me.

"You okay?" She asks gently looking up at me, I smile at her and nod my head softly "I'm good love...I just hope that max will be" I say looking to the right of my feet at the fluffy German shepherd lay there. As I'm looking at him his head perks up at the mention of his name and he turns it head to face me. "You gonna be ok out there buddy huh?" I say the the dog.

I feel bries arms wrap around my waist before she says "he will do great out there don't worry" which makes me nod my head with a smile as i turn to face her. I take in her facial features before I lean down and attach my lips to hers in a soft kiss. It's short but sweet and when I pull away I hear someone coming up behind me.

I'm proven correct when a brunette woman stops beside us and says "keep an eye out for the countdown you're on any second" with a small smile. I nod my head and thank her as Brie does the same and then we turn and wait for the countdown.

Once the countdown gets to 1 I let brie take the lead as she walks out onto stage, my grip on Max's leash tightens out of nerves as I walk a little behind brie. I smile at jimmy Fallon as he stands up to greet us and I hear the loud cheers of the audience. Once we've reached him I reluctantly pull my hand from bries as she moves to hug him before he turns to me and holds his hand out Infront of him for me to shake.

Once we've greeted eachother he gestures for us to take a seat on the couch beside his desk so I follow bries lead and sit down beside her. Once we're sat down I take her hand in mine for comfort considering this is very new to me. The audience are still shouting a little so once they've settled jimmy turns to us and says "Hello lovely couple, it is so nice to see you again Brie and nice to finally meet you y/n" he says with a playful grin.

I let out a small chuckle and say "yeah you too man it's great to be here" which gets a couple of whistles from the audience making me laugh.

I turn to look at Brie and see her smiling widely "it's so nice to be back, I've missed this" she said wiggling a little in her chair making me grin at her absentmindedly. Jimmy nods his head with a smile and then says "ok I didn't want to seem rude and completely ignore you guys so now I have greeted you both id like to acknowledge this little cutie here" I can hear how playful he's being as he looks over at max so I let out a small laugh and then say "well this here is Max, as you can see he's a German Shepard and he just turned 5 years old last week" before I can continue to say anything I'm interrupted by Brie who says "and we did celebrate it don't worry" making me smile.

Everyone starts to aww a little bit so I'm slightly confused until I glance behind me and see a picture of Max last week with his little birthday hat on. I smile at the picture and glance at Brie to see her grinning at it too. I look back to max sat by my feet and start to gently scratch at his neck.

I look back up to jimmy as he starts talking "so you've had max since he was a puppy right?" I nod my head and say "yeah that's right I've had him, trained him, lived with him all since he was a pup" making jimmy smile. "So am I right in saying that max isn't just any ordinary dog because he is also in the military?" Jimmy asks glancing between the two of us. I nod my head once again and say "yes that's right, max serves for the K-9 unit in the military and has done since he was young" as I'm talking Max stands up and does a small circle before sniffing at bries legs as she pets him making him stick his tongue out and his tail wag before he jumps up onto the sofa next to Brie and rest his head on her legs.

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