Commotion- Elizabeth Olsen

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You woke up to the annoying sound of your iPhone alarm going off. You tiredly turn over and tap your phone aimlessly until the sound stops. Putting your head back into the pillow face down you feel the bed move beside you before you can feel soft lips on your back between your shoulder and a soft familiar voice reaches your ears "morning sunshine" your fiancé says. You pull yourself up before turning your body over so your lay on your back allowing you to look at your love for the first time this morning. Elizabeth Olsen. The cutest, kindest, most caring person you've ever met. "Morning my love" you say, your voice raspier than usual. Lizzie just looks at your tired face that she finds extremely adorable before she pushes down all of the thoughts that came to mind when she heard your morning voice...not appropriate not appropriate not appropriate, she repeated in her mind whilst still smiling at you.
     You notice the slight pink shade in her cheeks and look into her eyes to see she looks...unfocused. "Love? You ok" you say stroking her thighs that are on either side of your hips. "Hm? Oh yeah all good, how did you sleep?" She asks snapping out of her daze. "Amazing knowing you were next to me darling, what got you caught up just then huh" you ask her with a slight smirk. You knew what she thought about your morning voice she have been together for 4 years and engaged for 18 months plus you lost count of the amount of times your day was delayed due to you and Lizzie...taking part in morning cardio together. "Oh yk the hot you are, how much I love you" she answered trailing off towards the end before she leans forward to peck your lips.

You chuckle slightly before pecking her lips once more and tapping her thighs before saying "as much as I'd love to stay here with you I have got to get up to go to work" making a large pout form on her soft lips. She whines loudly before clinging to your chest and saying "can't you call in sick I don't wanna leave you" you smile and kiss her temple before saying "I'd love to but I have to teach the kids that are responsible for our economy's future baby" she pulls herself impossibly closer to you slightly crushing your ribs before saying "can we at least have lunch together today" "sure my love whatever makes you happy" you answer with a smile before getting up and starting to get ready for your day with Lizzie clinging to you most of the time.


It's now 1:05 and your sat in your classroom waiting for Lizzie to walk in with lunch for the two of you before you hear a load of commotion outside catching your attention, Thinking it could have been a fight broken out between students or someone being injured you rush out seeing a crowd of people shouting inaudible things. You walk over quickly and make your way through the crowd of students until your eyes meet with familiar green ones, a smile breaks out on your face before you rush over embracing your fiance in a hug that's when you realize you still have a crowd of people surrounding you suddenly a lot louder and you pull away before grabbing her hand and taking her down the hallway and into your classroom. You shut the door, locking it and pull down the shutters on your door before turning back around to face your fiance with a smile and you say "you should have told me you were outside I would have come to the car" she returns the smile and says "well I didn't really think it through" a small blush appearing on her face.
    You walk over to your desk and stay stood up infront of it but facing Lizzie. You chuckle then say "I'm sure we'll manages to squeeze you through the crowd of people in the hall to get you out sooner or later" she smiles and says "they'll probably be gone by then" you look at her with a look that says 'yeah im sure' sarcastically. "what you don't think they will be?" She questions with a raised eyebrow. "Love I will bet you 20 bucks that there's a group of people stood outside that door with the faces pressed up against it trying to hear what's being said" you reply with a smirk which grows when she says "easiest $20 of my life" her confidence off the charts. "Ok let's see" you say then walking back over to the door, unlocking it and swinging it open whilst still facing Lizzie knowing you were right.  Lizzie's eyes move from you to the large number of students with their eyes wide and looking at Lizzie. Lizzie smiles at them before saying "uh hey" and it's like it just shook everyone from their trance of silence and they all started filing into the room asking question after question about why she was here, how she knew you and even questions about what was happening next with the Scarlett witch. You laugh before walking over to your fiancé who's stood there frozen not being able to register anything anyone is asking. You face the group of people now stood in your class room and say "ok ok that's enough please quieten down" the voices start to fade until it's silent and you say again "as you all can see this is Elizabeth Olsen and she's here to see me, she came to have lunch with me and no she will not tell you what's happening with Scarlett witch because she is yet to tell me and I'm her fiancé" causing Lizzie to grin widely and the students erupt in to shouts after hearing your last statement.

You glance at Lizzie seeing her smiling then grab her hand and pull her toward the door and say "definitely not" you both laugh and head towards your car before hopping in and driving away from the school to park up somewhere and eat your lunch. "Let's agree that's never going to happen again" you say with a grin and glancing at Lizzie. "I don't know It could have been fun if I was prepared and they weren't starstruck " she says before smiling and turning her head towards you. "I love you" she says staring at you " I love you most" you say glancing at her before your eyes go back to the road ahead of you. When returning back to the school you were asked many, many questions as you can imagine but eventually told people that you were engaged and tried to leave it at that.

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