Scarlett Johansson - breakdown

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Y/n pov:
I rub my eyes with my free hand as I stop at the red light for what feels like the hundredth time in the past 5 minutes.

I am trying to nurse a migraine right now considering I have had a very stressful day. To start it off I woke up this morning to find out someone tried breaking into my house through the night but thankfully I have security gates and cameras, after that I was running late to work and when I got there I realized I left all my paperwork at home so had to go back and get it.

After all of that when I got back to my office I was thrown in to the deep end of a huge law case between two very well known celebrities meaning my life is going to be very public and very stressful for the next few months.

And to top my day off I now have to go and drive 40 minutes out of my way home to drop off 5 car batteries for my brother in law who asked me to pick them up for him and then drop them off, which I accepted because he and my sister have just had their baby and so I want to help as much as possible knowing that him working as a mechanic takes up enough time.

As the lights turn green I continue to make my journey to my sisters house and just when I think I'm not going to get caught in anymore LA traffic I am stopped behind a short queue of cars that aren't going anywhere. I throw my head back with a groan as I think about how terrible this day has been.

I lift my head back up and look down to the front of the queue to see what looks like a broken down car. I see what looks to be the driver of the car with one hand in her head as she holds her phone to her ear. I look in my rear view mirror and see there is a gap big enough for me to reverse a little which I do before pulling across the road and parking.

I jump out of my car and lock it as I make my way across the road and to the owner. As I approach her as she has her back to me and she huffs before she pulls her phone away from her ear and shakes her head.

"Excuse me?" I say trying to get her attention. She turns around after jumping slightly and I immediately notice who it is. Scarlett Johansson.

I smile gently at her and say "is there anything I can do to help?" And she forces a smile before shaking her head and saying "I doubt it, I'm really sorry to have caused all this chaos, I've tried putting my car in neutral but it won't budge so I can't move it out of the way"

I nod my head and say "do you mind if I give it a go?" Whilst gesturing to her very nice car and she shakes her head as she moves to the side slightly so I make my way to her car and open the drivers door.

I sit in the chair and make sure the parking break is on before turning on the ignition. Her battery is definitely dead but it's still helpful as I press down on the break. After I've done that I try and shift the car into neutral which doesn't work so I sigh a little before reversing the steps and turning to her.

"Give me just a minute to grab something from my car and I'll be right back" I say hovering my hand over her arm slightly considering she looks very stressed. She offers me a tight lipped smile before I quickly make my way to my car.

I open up the trunk and pull out a small toolbox before taking out a screwdriver. I shut the box and my trunk before heading back over to her and as she sees me again this time she says "I have called for a tow truck but apparently they're going to take a couple of hours" and I nod my head with a smile before I say "well I'll see if I can shift this into neutral so we can get it out of the way and I'll have a look at the damage for you" and this time I receive a genuine smile rather than a forced one.

I get back into the drivers seat leaning toward the shifter I see the small panel and use my screwdriver to lift it up. Once I've done that I begin to override the shift lock and once I've done it I'm able to move the car in neutral.

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