Elizabeth Olsen - airport

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A/N this is a male reader!!
Also for reference you kinda look like this:

Your POV: "Can I just have a bottle of water and a birthday cake cakepop please" I say politely to the Starbucks waitress

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Your POV:
"Can I just have a bottle of water and a birthday cake cakepop please" I say politely to the Starbucks waitress. "Yeah of course is that all" she asks kindly, "yeah that's it thank you" I return. She turns around to grab my stuff before I pay and I'm soon making my way out of the small Starbucks inside the LAX airport. I start heading towards the exit with my bags to grab a taxi back to my childhood home. I have just returned from an 8 month military tour in Afghanistan and am surprising my parents and siblings as they think that I'm not going to be home in time for the Christmas holidays because I wanted to surprise them.
As I'm headed towards the exit I see a big group of people which isn't odd in an airport this size but they are making a huge commotion and all shouting inaudible things at someone. I make my way over to see if I can help in anyway and see a lady wearing sunglasses and covering her face trying to get through the group of people. I work my way through the group if idiots with cameras and go towards the lady who hasn't yet noticed my presence, I stand infront of her slightly and start to clear a path towards the doors to the pickup area allowing her to walk almost freely, I say almost because there were some men still trying to push cameras into her face. I move to stand beside her and place my hand on her mid back to protect her a little more before I lean down because I'm a few inches taller than her and ask where she's headed, "uhhh there should be a black Range Rover with a driver stood beside it" she answers back in a panicked tone. I stand tall again easily being able to see over all the men and women with cameras and spot a blacked out Range Rover a few meters away. I direct her over to it and open the back door for her and she thanks me before hopping into it. Just before I can close the door I take one last glance at her and notice her shaking with silent tears running down her face.
I question what to do before I decide to take a risk and hop in the car with her, I shut the door before I turn to her and see she's still in the same state. "Hey, hey you're ok, your fine ok? Don't worry your out of there" I repeatedly say trying to calm her down, it's working a little but not enough so I pick up her hands in mind and say "hey can you hear me" and I see her nod slightly which eases my nerves a little before I continue "can you name 3 things you can feel" I ask gently. "Uhhh...the seat, my sunglasses and y-you're hands" she shakily replies. "Ok that's good now how about 2 things you can hear" I ask, "the cars outside and the radio" she answers a lot more calmly. "Great now how about one thing you see" I ask smiling a little, she looks up at me and takes off her sunglasses and  I gulp a little at how beautiful her green eyes are. "You" she replies gently. I smile at her before turning behind me and picking up my bottle of water and hand it to her, she smiles gratefully then takes a sip.

I look down not wanting to stare at her and make her uncomfortable "I'm glad your ok..." I start and then trail off realizing I don't know her name. "Lizzie is fine" she answers sweetly after giving me a look of confusion. "Well I'm glad your ok Lizzie, I'm going to get out of your car now and into that madness outside" I say with a small chuckle. She laughs along with me and then says "Thank you so much for that I don't know what I would have done without you" "I'm sure someone else would have helped out" I say with a smile. "I doubt it" she says smiling. "Uhhh forgive me if this is too straightforward but could I maybe get your number, I appreciate what you did for me just now and would love to say thank you over a coffee sometime" she asks while looking down shyly. "I'd love that" I respond looking at her.

She looks up at me and smiles when I hand her my phone so she can add her number. She tells me to shoot her a message so she has my number also to which I do. She offers me a ride to wherever I'm going and I accept it gratefully and we make conversation on the way there. "Awww I think that's so sweet your surprising them" she says after I tell her my plan. I chuckle a little before saying "yeah well hopefully they're happy to see me" she smiles in response and says "I'm sure they will be". Just as she finishes her sentence the car comes to a stop and I realize this is where we part ways. I frown a little before picking up my bag and opening the door. As I'm stood outside the car I lean back in and take off my cap and put it on her head. "I'll collect it when I see you for coffee" I say with a wink. She blushes slightly making me grin before saying "can't wait" I smile at her then shut the door and turn to walk into my parents house.

"And yeah that's how we met, and now she wears my other set of dog tags and is carrying my child" I say grinning widely at jimmy Kimmel who is smiling widely at the story. I feel Lizzie's hand grip tightly onto my own hand and I glance at her and see her smiling up at me. "Well that's such an amazing story and I think everyone at home and in the audience is crying at that" jimmy replies. I laugh as does Lizzie and the interview continues before we head home and cuddle in the sofa with our cute cocker spaniel curled in a ball beside us. I look to the left of the couch at the coffee table and see a picture of me and my love in a cute mirrored frame.

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