Surprise - Elizabeth Olsen

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Y/n POV:
I let out a quiet sigh of relief as I step off the plane and onto the ground of the LAX airport. I stop and stand near the bottom of the stairs and just look up at the sky appreciating the humid weather after being in sweltering heat in Afghanistan for the past few months. I must look crazy to everyone else getting off the plane but I just stand there for a few seconds longer before following the rest of the people into the airport.

I go to the baggage collection and my military bag is easy to spot amongst all the others so I walk...well limp rather as I do have crutches, towards my bag rather than wait for it to get around to me and pull it off the conveyor belt which takes more effort than usual because of my lack of ability to stand on my own.

I make my way straight to the exit just wanting to surprise my wife and go home. On my way to the exit I see a few people give me looks of appreciation as others thank me, i appreciate that others appreciate my job but it's not something I usually like to show case.

My uniform might be camouflage but it does not hide me well in public, for obvious reasons of course. I'm still dirty and in my uniform because when I was told I could go home with early discharge due to my leg being too badly injured I got on the next flight home...literally it was 40 minutes after I was told and I almost missed it!!

Thankfully i didn't.

Once I'm outside I climb into a cab and give the driver the destination for a filming studio not too far from the airport. I know Lizzie has a few interviews before her movie premiere tomorrow and this is her last one.

It's with James Corden, he seems like a super cool dude and with a few calls to the right people I was able to organize entry into the studio to surprise Lizzie.

The drive there is anything but quite what with the noise of the traffic and the radio being played quietly and not forgetting the cab driver who's asking questions about being in the military.

Im proud of what I do, I really am but I do hate some of the questions that come with it. When people ask questions it brings back memories and memories aren't always good. But other than that I don't mind talking about it.

"When you come back to they send you back on like...economy planes or do you get like flown back?" The guy asks from up front, I chuckle at the question that I surprisingly get asked a lot and say "well usually they fly us all back to the same place in a military air craft but it was just me coming back so they put me on an economy flight" and I'm hoping he doesn't ask why I got discharged early but no doubt he will "do you mind me asking why you got discharged early?" He asks sheepishly and if he didn't seem so...nervous to ask I wouldn't have told him but he seemed sincere to realize it could be touchy and doesn't want to press the topic so I reply.

"I broke my leg out there on an evac" I say, I didn't want to give him the whole story because that would be traumatic for the both of us but I give him at least an answer. "Sorry for asking so many questions, I've just never met someone with your job" he says nervously. I give him a smile when he looks into the rear view mirror and reassure him that it's ok.

After a short further journey and no more military related questions we pull up to the security gates of the studio and I decide to get out of the cab here to make life easier for everyone. I pay the cab driver and thank him for being respectful and he thanks me for my service before pulling off onto the road again.

I walk over to the security guards window which is open and I say "hi, I'm not really sure what to say or where to go but I spoke with someone about surprising my wife in an interview she's doing in one of these studios" I say pulling out my phone and going to my messages to find one from Lizzie's manager that has the information about where to go. "Yeah what's your wife's name" the guy asks
Politely. "Elizabeth Olsen" I reply back still going through my phone to the message. He doesnt respond so I glance up at him and see him looking at me with an eyebrow raised, I laugh then say "I swear man, do I look like the type to lie" gesturing down to my uniform.

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