Youtube - Brie Larson

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Brie was sat at the kitchen table infront of her camera that she uses to film her YouTube video and you were stood behind the camera so they could see Brie and not you. "Ok and it'ssss on" you say putting a thumbs up at your girlfriend. "Hey guys, it's Brie Larson and I'm back again, I've been super active on YouTube recently because I think you guys like it....well I hope you like it anyway" Brie says while laughing a little nervously. "Everybody loves you my love your amazing" you say from behind the camera. Brie blushes at your statement and then says "well anyway today we're going to be doing something I've seen a lot recently and it's like where you go to the store and buy your partner or someone a bunch of things without showing the other person what it is?" Questioning herself slightly near the end. "So I just go in and pick anything I think you'll like from the shops" you ask. "The store?" brie says smirking at your use of your British wording. "Yeah yeah store or whatever but am I right" you say grinning.

Your now stood beside the camera and still out of frame only now your leaning on your hands that are lay flat on the table. Brie looks up at you before saying "well I don't know how to explain it properly but it's like I'll go into the store and buy something *your fave colour* bc it's your favorite colour, and then I will buy your favorite drink and snack just to see how well we know eachother really" glancing back at the camera whilst talking. "Ohhh I got it now, ok so what are we picking up a list of it" you say excitedly. Brie grins at you and then pulls out her phone and going to your guys' messages. She types a list out then says to the camera "so we're going to pick up the eachothers: favorite snack and drink, then something that is the colour of their favorite colour and also something that you think will be useful for them but will also benefit the two of you and then something random" she lists off to the camera. "Okie dokie lets goooo" you announce loudly making Brie chuckle.


"Ok so we're in the car on the way there guys and L.A traffic is crazyyyy" Brie says into the camera. "Yeah I hate the traffic in America it's so bad" you say whilst still looking at the road ahead of you. "I offered to drive guys but she said no" Brie replies with a deadpanned look on her face. "Well your a princess so- HEY WHAT THE FUCK MAN YOU JUST NEARLY WENT INTO THE SIDE OF ME" you shout at the guy in the car beside you for attempting to cut you off but instead almost hit the side of the car. "WELL GET OUT THE LANE THEN" he shouts back through his open window. "GET OUT THE LANE? ARE YOU TAKING THE PISS MATE THIS IS MY LANE TO GO STRAIGHT AHEAD YOUR THE FUCKING MUPPET THAT CLEARLY DOESNT KNOW YOUR LEFT TO RIGHT" you say back to him your British accent coming out strongly because of how angry you were. "Whatever shut up dude" he says snarling you "yo that's Brie Larson" you hear someone in his car mumble. The guys head whips round to see Brie in the passenger side then he says "yooo no way bro, do u think I could get your number" he says leaning out of his window slightly. "Yeah you wish asshole" you say and then you drive on as the light turns green with the guy turning off beside you. You look over at Brie because she's been really quiet and see her looking at you biting her lip slightly, you smile at her than ask "you ok" she breaks out of whatever trance she was in and then looks out of her window "yeah all good" she answers. "You sure love" you ask.
    "Yeah" she then clears her throat and looks back to the camera "as hot as that was I'm starting to think maybe I should have drove" she says into it. "1. Was that filming the whole time and 2 no as I was saying before I was rudely cut off you are a princess and princesses don't drive they get driven round and 3 how was that hot" you say grinning at her. "Shut uppp I'm not a princess" she says "yeah you are your my princess" you answer whilst putting your hand on her thigh. "Don't try to avoid my number 3 darling" you tease. Brie hums making you chuckle before she says "see you at the store guys" and then turns the camera off. "Your adorable love" you say squeezing her thigh gently.
"Ok so we're back home now you obviously just watched us get what we needed buttt I never shown you what it is so it's still a mystery which is exciting" Brie says grinning at the camera. "I actually shown them like 1 or 2 of my things but nothing else" you confess to your girlfriend. "Eh that's ok" she says before kissing your lips quickly. You smile then wait for the next instructions "ok so let's start withhh....favorite snack" Brie says and then you both count to 3 and pull the thing out. You repeat this for the favorite drink, colour something random and now your about to pull out the thing that is useful for the other person but will benefit both people. "Ok 1...2...3" Brie says then pulls out a mini waffle maker. "Ok that's super cute and I love that it's a cute pink colour" you say. "Mhmmmm why didn't you show anything" she questions with a smirk. "Because I wanted to do them separately" you say with a huge grin which is quickly making its way to a smirk.
    "Oh no I know that look what did you get" Brie says covering her eyes jokingly. "Ok I'll show you in 1...2...3" you say and then from behind your back you show her the...handcuffs. Bries jaw drops and a red tint grows on her cheeks. "Y/nnnnn" she whines covering her whole face and curling into herself slightly. You laugh and then say "what it's really nothing we haven't already done" you say teasing her even more. She groans before saying "I'm so going to cut this out" "no no way this is comedy gold" you breathed out whilst still laughing. Brie sits back up the red tint still slightly evident on her cheeks and she makes eye contact with you and you see her eyes darken a little before she looks back at the camera and says "well I'm going to end this right here because I'm afraid something else is going to be done or said to expose me" she chuckles out and then leaps into your laps making you quickly wrap your arms around her waist.

You laugh again and say "peace out guys sorry for the road rage I hope this makes up for it". Brie turns off the camera and then turns to you and says "so are you going to put these to good use" lifting up the handcuffs and swinging them a little. "Oh absolutely" you say before launching forward and throwing Brie over your shoulder making her squeal.

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