Florence pugh - plane

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Y/n POV:

"If you do not turn that alarm off right now...I will cry" Florence mumbles from beside me. I laugh at her comment and decide to keep it going for a few more seconds. "Y/nnn" flo groans from beside me before stuffing her face underneath her pillow.

I laugh and then turn the alarm off before turning over to face flo, I place gentle kisses along her shoulders and rub her back gently. She lets out a hum of appreciation as I continue but I pull away and say "cmon love we need to get ready" I kiss her bare shoulder one more time before turning to get out of bed.

Just as my feet touch the floor I feel two arms wrap around my waist and pull me backwards. I laugh as flo tries to lay me flat again without moving too much. "Babe you're gonna miss the flight...we get to see your family today" I say trying to gently persuade her to get up.

"I know and I can't wait but I'm gonna miss you" she mumbles into my back, i furrow my eyebrows before saying "I'm coming with you babe how will you miss me" as I give into her and lay down flat again. "Yes but I'll miss this" she says seductively whilst running her hand down to my thigh. Her hand moves to my inner thigh and my breath hitches.

I groan whilst rolling away "I can not sit on a 10 and a half hour flight horny" I tell her before pecking her lips once. Then twice. Then a third time. Until I'm sat on her stomach straddling her.

I pull away breathlessly and say "we really have to go" I make eye contact with her and see her pupils dilated and her eyes dark. I smirk and then lean down to suck on her neck, she lets out a small moan as I pull away and get off her.

"Ok I've got to get ready" I say grinning whilst walking into the bathroom. I hear flo groan from the other room as I shut the bathroom door and laugh.


I pull on Florence's arm for what feels like the hundredth time in the last 10 minutes and say "if you walk any slower I will leave you right here in this airport and go and see your family without you" flo lets out a laugh from behind me "it's not funny Florence" I say letting go of her arm.

I feel her arms wrap around my waist but before I have the time to do anything she pulls me backwards and spins me in a circle. I let out a squeal embarrassingly loud before Florence puts me down. "What was that for" I say huffing, "that was for your attitude little miss bossy" she replies grinning. She takes my face between her hands and kisses my lips gently. "Stop stressing my love, we are going to get on this flight" she says brushing her thumb across my cheek.

I try to fight the smile wanting to appear on my face but fail miserably and say "ok I will if you promise to stop walking so slow" she laughs a little and then says "deal" I smile and kiss her once more before pulling away and grabbing her hand. "Perfect now lets go" I say happily as flo laughs.


"I told you we would make the flight" Florence says from beside me, I huff out a laugh and say "yeah yeah" causing flo to laugh.

"Now it's just the 10 hours of nothingness" she mumbles from her seat, this makes me laugh as I say "you really hate flying huh" but before she can reply an air hostess walks by my side and offers champagne. "Not when I'm in first class" she says with a smirk as she sips on her drink. I laugh at her comment before getting my book out of my bag.

Florence pulls out her phone and connects her AirPods and we both remain silent for a while.


We are 4 hours into this flight and flo is losing her mind, she really is crazy. In a good way. I'm currently trying to persuade her that doing a cartwheel down the seat aisles is not a good idea.

She lifts her blanket off her legs and goes to stand up when I put my hand on her thigh to get her to stay seated. Her eyes snap to mine as I say "flo sit down" and I see her eyes darken as she sits down and puts the blanket back over her legs and my arm.

I slowly move my hand higher up her thigh as her breathing hitches. I lift my hand off her thigh and lift it so it's at the base of her stomach.

I lower my hand down and slide it into the waistband of her shorts. "Y/n" flo mumbles quietly. I lean forward and kiss underneath her jaw before trailing my mouth upto her ear "be quiet baby" I whisper seductively before kissing behind her ear.

Flo POV:

Y/n pulls her face away from mine as her hand moves lower down into my shorts.


I blush thinking of the memory a few months ago before I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a loud cheering

"I think that answers the question of who has joined the mile high club" Ellen says from the chair next to me.

I laugh at the comment and then turn my wooden panel to 'I have' with a smirk on my face. Once I confirm it everyone is cheering as Ellen laughs, I have a smirk on my face as I say "it was a long flight....I was getting restless" making everyone laugh.

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