Scarlett Johansson - Jealousy

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"Have a lovely day" you say to the fan that just took a picture with you after asking you to sign a picture of your marvel character. "T-Thank you, you too" she says before walking off. You look back to Scarlett before sitting down next to her again and taking her hand in yours. You were both waiting at the airport for your flight to L.A for you and Scarlett to do an interview with James corden. "hAvE a LoVeLy dAy" Scarlett says trying to mock your voice. "First of all I do not sound like that and second of all why are you so jealous huh" you say grinning at her. "I'm not jealous you were just staring at her the whole time" Scarlett answers. "That's because she was talking to me and I didn't want to be rude and make her think I wasn't interested" you reply. "Yeah yeah whatever" she says before smiling and kissing you.


Around half an hour later you and Scarlett are still waiting for your flight and your both sat next to eachother but facing one another and she's talking to you about a movie she had watched a while ago but can't remember what it's called but said you'd really like it. You glance behind her briefly and see a paparazzi pointing his camera at you so you decide to tease Scarlett and wink at the camera pretending to wink at someone. As soon as you do her head spins round so fast your surprised it didn't break, she then looks directly into the camera before relaxing and spinning round to you glaring at you. You start laughing hysterically at her reaction before she goes "that was so mean I'm not talking to you til we get to L.A" she says pouting and sitting to face forward. "Ahhh cmon love that was funny" you say still laughing a little bit. "No it wasn't it was mean" she pouted out. You know she's not gonna talk to you for a while even if you tried to bribe her with coffee so instead you gently take her face with two fingers under her chin and turn her head facing you and then kiss her passionately. After a while you pull away in need of air and kiss her nose making it scrunch up cutely. "Ugh fineee I forgive you" she grumbled out before kissing you again.


You and Scarlett are now in L.A and are being interviewed by James when he says "ok so this isn't on the cards but I seen something earlier and had to bring it up" suddenly the video of the incident in the airport when you winked at the camera started playing on the screen and Scarlett covered her face and leaned into your shoulder whilst you just laughed hysterically again. "Ok so what was that all about" James say grinning and chuckling slightly. You explain the whole situation to him and finish with "so yeah all I have to do is stick my tongue down her throat and boom I'm out of the dog house" you say smiling. The audience and James start laughing as Scarlett slaps your shoulders and says "hey do not tell them that" "sorry darling" you say kissing her forehead and pulling her into you. "Awww you guys are just so cute" James says before continuing the interview.

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