Hailee steinfeld - soldier (2)

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Per the request of many many ppl...jk just one. But ones enough 😌 so lil bit of fluff for yourselves and ms steinfeld ;) p.s it's a little long, I don't think you'll mind too much tho lol.

Hailee POV:
"Hailee are you ready to go on? You were meant to be on 5 minutes ago" my manager says when she walks through the door. "Uhhh yeah I'll be ready in a sec let me just compose myself" I say nervously. I have messaged and called y/n and I even went as far as emailing him...I know desperate needs call for desperate measures. Anyway, I'm at my third venue of my tour...the staples center and as my manager said I was meant to be in 5 minutes ago, probably more like 8 now.

I don't want to be stood here I want to be performing for my fans but I am a nervous wreck because y/n said he would be able to call me before I went on to help me calm my nerves like every other time I'm performing but he hasn't called and will not answer his phone. It's driving me crazy. NOT in a good way.

I press his name in my 'favorites' in my contacts to call him and lift the phone to my ear...."sorry you've reached the-" I groan and throw my head back in annoyance before deciding I'll just take my phone out on stage with me incase there's an emergency because there has to be a reason he isn't answering...maybe something happened? Something bad? What if-
My overthinking is cut short, not that I'm complaining, when I hear a knock on my door. I turn to the door and pull it open to see my manager "I know I'm sorry! I'm not exactly ready but let's do this!" I say, my nerves still very much present.

I make my way down the hallways with my phone in hand before I grab my mic and walk out on stage, my fans going wild when they see me. I smile at the sight of them all and shout "WHATS UP LOS ANGELES" into the mic. I hear the crowd scream back in response.

Y/n POV:

3o minutes earlier

"Fuck sake we have got to get out of this man, I'm sweating in here" I say to the guys in the truck. "I know bro, we'll get there" jab says. We call him jab for two reasons, one because we all take the piss and say his punches are like small jabs because he has the weakest punch of us all, not that it's weak because it could without knock someone out but we all have a slightly harder swing. The second reason being because he passed out when he had to have flu jabs and shit to go on tour a couple of years ago.

"I need to call Hailee" I say rubbing my hands over my face and down the back of my neck. "Call her man we'll be quiet" jab says whilst patting my pack. Jab is my bestfriend, besides Hailee, because we met during our training to join the army and then stuck through all our tours together. He will without a doubt be my best man at my wedding. "My phones dead dude" I say with nothing but defeat in my voice. I feel the truck come to a stop so quickly check out the window to see we have arrived. I grab my bag with all my stuff in and jump out the truck quickly, I run straight inside to prepare myself.

I check the time on my watch and see I have no time to get out of my uniform so huff slightly before making my way through the hallway, knowing where I'm going because I've been here before obviously and security are escorting me through.

I turn the corner and see who I know is....Hailees manager. She smiles before coming over to greet me, I give her a quick hug having met her before she says "she's so stressed, she just went on stage like 10 minutes ago" when checking her own watch. I smile and say "my phone died so I couldn't call her, am I ok to go through with my plan" making her manager smile. She's always been so helpful and kind, great manager actually. "Yeah of course, I got what you asked for too" she replies and then turns around and reaches down to a chair behind her to see the bunch of roses I had her pick up from a florist that I ordered them from a couple of days ago for me, knowing I wouldn't have time. "Thanks you're the best" I say giving her another quick hug. "Don't mention it, now let's get you to the side stage shall we" she says with a grin. I nod nervously not knowing how Hailee will react to seeing me. It will most likely be positive but doesn't stop the nerves, what? kill a man for being nervous for seeing his girlfriend after 5 months away.

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