Scarlett Johansson ~ hot hot hot

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Scarlett POV:
"I don't know how you'll handle any of the sauces your gonna be given today babe" y/n says with a playful grin. I scoff jokingly at her before saying "I'll be awesome with these sauces I promise you it will be as easy as drinking water" which makes her laugh. I smile at the sight before saying "what I'm being serious I think I'll be ok" she chuckles at me then replies "yeah sure love".

We're just pulling up to the building where I'll be filming the interview and tasting the hot wings when I speak up "ok now I'm a little nervous I'm not going to lie" looking over at y/n I see a small grin on her face as she parks up before she looks at me and says "I was just kidding love I'm sure you'll do great" which makes me smile widely. "Yeah I hope so...god I do not want to embarrass myself by crying or something on the first one" I respond glancing out the window and towards the building. "Don't worry your gonna do great" y/n says and then pauses before continuing on to say "besides I'm extremely hot and you eat me pretty great" and then gets out the car nonchalantly. I- uh...huh. I'm completely flustered when I feel my car door being opened and feel her presence next to me. I feel her fingers under my chin as she closes my jaw to my mouth which fell open at her comment. I hear her laugh as she leans down and kisses my cheek "you'll do great, cmon" she says then gestures for me to get out the car.

Once I re gather myself I get out the car and make my way into the building hand in hand with y/n.

Y/n POV:
Ok so Scarlett is her second wing in and i already know I'm going to be crying laughing by the end of this whole thing. "It's got a little kick..but not too bad" she says then continues "just a little bit" whilst looking towards the camera. I laugh a little then say "really she's dying on the inside just scraping at her tongue" which cause everyone to laugh. "Oh shut up" scar replies playfully whilst looking at me. I laugh a little again then listen to the interviews next question.

So I was right it's definitely the funniest thing ever seeing Scarlett reacting to these wings. I can't help but laugh every single time. I'm currently bending over dying at her reaction to 'da bomb' and I just can't believe how funny this is. I'm wiping away literal tears when I hear "oh god where is she? Y/n come over here I need to hold your hand" which just makes me laugh more as I walk over to her and she instantly grabs my hand and starts to squeeze it so hard. I stand there still wiping away some of my tears when she says "this is not funny ok! I'm dyingggg" sticking out her tongue. She pulls her tongue in and then says "do you think it would help if I kissed you? Like take away the spice?" With a smirk on her face. "Uh I don't know but we aren't gonna test that theory" I say laughing along with everyone else. Scarlett then suddenly stands up and starts walking around the table before being handed bread and rice after asking for food. I laugh at her state then walk back over to where I was originally stood.

I turn around when I get tapped on the shoulder and see one of the film crew holding a beer in their hand and giving it to me. I'm momentarily confused before I remember Scarlett asked for one earlier. I quickly turn back around with the beer in my hand after thanking them and go over to Scarlett who is now sat back down. I use my hand to lift up her chin and tilt back her head and then pour the drink into her mouth. My eyes quickly take in her face as we make eye contact and the tension suddenly switches from the burning in her mouth to something alot more dangerous. The sexual tension went through the roof my friend.

I pull the beer away and allow her to lift her head as I smirk whilst she swallows down the beer and clears her throat. Shaun the guy interviewing her breaks the small silence by saying "god I don't know what is actually hotter that whole scene right there or the sauce" with a playful tone to his voice. I laugh a little then put the beer next to Scarlett and head back to where I was stood. Scarlett mumbles a small "yeah me either" making us laugh as we caught it and then she takes another swig of the beer and tries to get rid of the burning in her mouth.

Scarlett POV:
I've just finished my last wing and honestly my reactions haven't been nearly as frantic as da bomb one because my mind is clouded by what y/n did. It was truly the hottest thing ever....yes more than the sauce although they're two different hots. I just know people will go crazy over that whole thing.

Yup I was right it has been 5 days and my publicist has kept me informed that it is still very much a viral clip.

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