Natasha romanoff - attitude

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Warning: this is a v rough sexual innuendo so don't read if u don't like it :))

Natasha POV:
I open the freezer door and groan when I don't see my tub of ice cream at the back of the shelf where I left it. I roll my eyes at the thought of someone eating MY ice cream. I mean if you didn't buy you don't eat's simple.

I slam the freezer door shut as I turn around, I walk over to the cupboards and open one door after the other looking for something good to eat but slamming them shut when I don't find anything.

I repeat this process and when I get to the main pantry I harshly shove the food around the shelves not even looking for anything at this rate just in a mood.

I walk out of the pantry and am a little startled when I hear a voice, however I don't show it "what's up your ass" y/n says grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, i scoff and then say "nothing I'm fine" which is an obvious lie. I hear y/n let out a chuckle before saying "yeah and I'm bad in bed" which almost makes me smirk but I fight the pull of the side of my mouth and say "well at least one of us telling the truth...and it ain't me" I turn around to face the sink as I fight the smirk growing on my face.

It's deathly silent for a few seconds until y/n says "what did you just say" so I force the smirk to drop from my face and turn around whilst crossing my arms "you heard me" I reply with an attitude. Y/n looks at me silently before slowly placing her bottle down on the kitchen counter. She keeps eye contact with me as she walks towards me and I try and keep my facade up so she can't see how much she's affecting me. I swallow thickly as I see her dark eyes roaming up my body.

As she walks closer towards me I slowly back away until I'm stopped by the counter. I unfold arms and let them fall to my sides as they rest on the counter top. Y/n stands right infront of me, close enough so I can feel the body heat radiating off her body but not close enough that we're touching. That is until she takes one step closer and I feel her body pressed against mine with one leg between mine. I let out a small whimper at the action before y/n says "what was that?" Making me swallow harshly. I breathe out a large breath before saying "I're bad in bed. Maybe Steve will do it for me huh...or Tony? He was popular with the ladies before pepper" I hear y/n's breathing pick up as I talk and when I'm finished I feel her hand along my collar bone until she wraps it around my throat.

She turns her head so her mouth is by ear as she says "do I need to fuck this attitude out of you? Huh?" And I hold back a breathy moan as she pushed her leg into me further. I let my head fall back slightly as she says "answer me маленький паук" (little spider). I let my bottom lip fall from between my teeth, I didn't even realize I was biting my lip. I know I wouldn't be able to get my words out so I nod my head silently, y/ns grip on my throat tightens a little as she says "hmmm this isn't how good girls behave now is it little kitten" I shake my head as I mutter a small "no" out.

Y/n hums teasingly before she pulls away completely, I let put a breathe at the distance and stumble a little on my feet. "What am I gonna do with you маленький паук" y/n mutters as she takes my chin in one hand "seeing as though you wanna act stupid..maybe I'll fuck you senseless hmm? Do you want me to fuck you dumb Red?" I let out a small moan at her words as I nod my head and let out a breathy "yes"

Y/n backs away from me completely now and picks up her water bottle, she takes a swig as she looks over at me before licking her lips and then saying "now since you want to act all smart and talk about being fucked by Tony I think I'll take you right here on this kitchen counter to start with...maybe he'll walk in and see you spread out for me on the counter but I'm sure he'll be able to hear you if not" I squeeze my thighs together as y/n is talking, I watch as she walks back over to my and puts her hands on my hips. I can feel her fingers digging into the side of my hips as she walks be to the island in the kitchen "and then maybe I'll take you in the front room, or the meeting room? I might even have you in the training room....hmm do you know what I think little kitten?" Y/n says with a rough tone in her voice "I think I'm going to fuck you senseless in all of them room? And then I'll take you in our room..until the only name you can remember is mine" I moan at her words and allow her to have her way with me.

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