Hailee Steinfeld - flirtation

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Y/n pov:

I was sat in a restaurant at the bar near my sisters house waiting for her to arrive with a couple of her friends so she could introduce us and we would all sit down and eat together. My sister is Ella Hunt, yup the actress that plays in Dickinson and cold feet and a few other movies. As I'm sat there waiting I feel a tap on my shoulder so I quickly turn my head to see my sister grinning at me, I smoothly spin on my stool and stand up to give her a hug. "Hey, I missed you" she says whilst returning the hug. "I missed you too" I say back. "What took you so long you've kept me waiting long enough" I say with a smirk and she gently slaps my shoulder and says "oh shut up I was just struggling to find somewhere to...park my car" she says grinning, "yeah sure, whatever you say Ell" I say with a smug smile on my face knowing full well it was because she was driving at least 15mph under the speed limit. "Anywayyy y/n these are my friends, Anna, Adrian and Hailee" Ella introduces to me. "Hey it's nice to meet you guys finally" I say looking at her co-stars/ friends whilst shaking their hands, my stare stopping at the brunette that I know plays Emily Dickinson.

"So you're the woman that spends her days kissing my sister huh" I say to the brunette making her look down whilst chucking. "Ow will you stop hitting me woman" I say to my sister after earning a slap on the back of the head. "Don't make her uncomfortable y/n" she replies with a small glare. "Now now that was never my intention little sister" I say making her glare even more intense, before focusing my attention back towards hailee who was already looking towards the two of us. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I would never intend to make such a beautiful woman feel out of place" I state to Hailee causing a blush to appear on her cheeks. Hearing a chuckle come from both Anna and Adrian I look towards them and my sister who slaps my arm once again. "Ok you have got to stop" I jokingly glare at her "Well don't hit on her then...geez" she says "I'm not lying she's very pret-" I'm cut off by an older looking gentleman when he asks if we have a booking. "Yes it's a table for 5 under the name y/n" I say with a smile. "Ok right this way" he says after poking around on his iPad. We all follow the man towards a table, me letting Hailee and the rest walk infront of me. 
After we sit down and place our drink orders, me getting a glass of water as I don't like fizzy drinks and not really in the mood for alcohol right now and the others getting a coke and my sister ordering a tea. "God you're so...British sometimes, I mean I know we're both British obviously but who orders tea when their out to eat" I said looking beside me at my sister. "You can't talk y/n you ordered a water!" She replies slightly aggressively making me laugh.


Myself and the others have just ordered our food and have all fell into a conversation allowing me to get to know my sisters friends when I look up to see a waitress looking over at me. Giving her a quick smile I see Hailee and my sister glance towards her although she was walking away now. "Can you not" my sister says with a small smile playing on her lips. I look over at her and say "what? I don't know what you're talking about" with a smirk on my face whilst taking a sip of my drinking looking up over my glass and making direct eye contact with Hailee before I divert my eyes back over to the bar to see the waitress pouring a drink. As I pull my glass away from my lips she looks up towards me again and looks down with a blush when I send her a wink. Not too long after the same waiter we had all evening that brought us to our table comes over with our food.
Once we all have our food infront of us I watch as the waitress that I've been exchanging glances with all night walk over swaying her hips before she stops at our table and asks "can I get you guys anything? Any sauces or more drinks" everyone responding with a "no" or an "I'm okay for now thank you" from my sister whereas I look up at her from the end of the table where I'm sat and make direct eye contact with her before saying "no thank you I think we're all ok love" again with a smirk on my face whilst leaning back into my chair and takin a sip of my drink. She quickly breaks the eye contact and looks down with a small blush on her cheeks yet again and quietly says "uh ok sure" smiling. When she walks away I look back over at the others to see them all looking at me, "you're quite the charmer I see" Anna says. "Only when I see something I like" I respond making eye contact with Hailee, her giving me a smile to which I respond by sending her a wink and a smile. "So I take it you like women then" Anna says smirking. I quickly look over at her and say "why? You interested" in a teasing tone making her chuckle. "Oh my god y/n stop it" my sister says causing everyone at the table to laugh.


After finishing our meals the same waitress from earlier came to clear our plates and when she returns for the last two which just so happen to be mine and Ella's as she couldn't carry all five plates at once she stands next to me leaning over to grab my sisters plate from beside me. I lean back a little so as I don't have my face in her chest (not yet anyway) I think. As she walks away I glance at her yet again. After conversing in some more interesting conversations I turn to my sister and say "so Ell....whats it like to be kissing such a beautiful woman like Hailee everyday? She turned you gay yet?" Making her cover her face and slide down her chair "oh my- I'm never letting you near any of my friends or co stars again" she grumbles quietly. I quickly start poking her ribs gently to tickle her because I know she hates it whilst saying "cmon I mean if I was straight all that woman has to do it take a look at me and I'd be as straight as Emily Dickinson".

I quickly stop tickling Ella and raise my hand for the bill. I look back over at my sister to see her shooting daggers at me yikes if looks could kill i think to myself. "What I'm not wrong I don't know how you do it, look at her" I say gesturing towards Hailee who is looking down a blushing mess a cute blushing mess. "Actually don't It will only make me more jealous that you get to see her more than I do as well as kiss her- you know sometimes I wish I had auditioned for sue" I state speaking my thoughts. Earning a hard slap to the back of my head. Before I could turn to my sister and tell her to stop hitting me the gentle man from earlier walks over with bill asking if we'd like to split it getting quick "yes'" and a few "please'" but before anyone can see I swiftly pretend to stretch and then tap my card on the machine to pay for the whole bill and let me tell you again if looks could kill I would have been dead before my card made it back to my pocket. "What?" I ask everyone staring at me earning a chuckle from the waiter who then walks away satisfied the bill has been paid.

Everyone starts to talk over eachother allowing me only to hear bits and pieces of what they were saying which sounded a little like "what the hell" and "why did you do that" and even a "We could have paid too"  which I chuckled at. "Everybody calm down, it's nothing major ok just some food" earning more arguments from the people at the table.


After further arguing I managed to calm everyone down and persuade them not to give me any money back and that it was fine getting hugs and thank you's in return, then dismissing myself to use the bathroom before we leave. When I return from the toilet I notice everyone up and waiting with their jackets on and I quickly look around me and notice the waitress from earlier, I smile at my sister before walking over to the waitress and leaning into her and whispering "for the service love, I'll definitely be back" whilst handing her a £50 note as a tip. I walk back over to my sister and her friends and see them all smirking at me, apart from Hailee who had just looked away glancing at her phone. We all walk out and I walk towards my sisters car. We make a plan to head back to my house to watch a movie and I offer to take Hailee with me "because I didn't want them to be cramped into the car together" which of course was just an excuse to spend a little time with her alone. There was no argument from Hailee so my sister drove off whilst myself and the brunette who I found to be extremely pretty hopped in my car and headed towards my house, stopping at a shop to grab some snacks as I haven't stocked up my food at home yet.


"So did you get her number" Hailee asks whilst we're walking down the sweet/candy isle. "Who" I ask confused before i remember the waitress at the restaurant "ohh the waitress! No I didn't I just thanked her for the service and give her a small tip" I say quickly with a chuckle. I look over at Hailee to see her grinning slightly and i smoothly put my arm around her shoulders and say "why you weren't jealous were you" making her laugh loudly whilst pushing me away "no you wish I was hunt" she says. "What's that supposed to mean, are you saying you don't think I could get you" I ask with a smirk as I stop walking, Hailee continues to walk ahead still looking at the different snacks on the shelves before answering "that's exactly what I'm saying love" whilst smirking. I let out a small hum before I run towards her lifting her over my shoulder making her laugh loudly whilst smacking my back shouting at me to let her down to which I reply "nope, you said I couldn't get you and now I have I'm not putting you down." I say popping my p at the start. She laughs at this and says "fine but at least let me get comfy" confusing me until she climbs around me and gets on my back. "There we are, keep it moving hunt we haven't got all night" she says making me chuckle.

Marvel Women one shots حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن