40. The Need To Know The Truth

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"Know it's for the BETTER
I never grew up with you
And you're not my WAITING ROOM"

-waiting room, phoebe bridgers

sasha walked up to the tall building that her steps had lead her to. something about it called to the girl, perhaps some forgotten memory, but nevertheless it felt familiar.

she entered the small door at the side of the building and began climbing the stairs until she found the large door that needed a code to open. she walked over to the keypad and hovered her finger over the buttons, trying to remember something that the code could be.

something in the very back of her mind came to her and she tapped in the numbers. 1507. why them numbers she didn't know but they worked. the door noisily opened revealing a large room with barely any furniture in it, a couple of sofas, a table and a bed. sasha walked in, stepping down and walking over to the large window. it overlooked the dark city, the lights dotted around, resembling fireflies in a dark sky, making it a magical view, a view she had seen before, a view she was familiar with.

she looked around the open plan room when something came back to her. she looked to her right, seeing a slightly raise part of the floor around a pillar. a flash of a memory came back to her, filling her nose with the same smell of her hoodie as she remembered leaning on someone's shoulder, the face was still blurry but sasha remembered feeling safe, feeling home.

she shook her head, shaking off the memory. she looked to the desk, spotting a photo frame. she walked over, picking it up and staring at the photograph. she was there, she recognised that much. her hair was blonde but it was still her. but she was joined by two faces, one boy and one girl. they looked familiar yet again, triggering a smile to grow on face. she opened the back of the frame. there written on the back of the photo was sasha, cora and derek '12. she placed the frame back down. why was she with derek? who was cora? and another million questions raced around her mind.

she placed the photo back where she had found it and walked over to her left, beginning to climb the metal spiral stairs up towards the second floor of the apartment.

her own footsteps led her to the second door. she opened it and walked into the bedroom, a feeling of nostalgia for something she didn't remember coming over her. she walked over to the desk, photos stuck up on the wall surrounding it. she was in all of them, and she looked happy. she recognised the boy and the red haired girl from earlier. the rest were followed with faces that were strangers to her, and she hated it. she needs answers. she spent ages, taking the photos off the wall and memorising the names on the back of them.

she walked over to her wardrobe, pulling in a black leather jacket on after taking off the dirty hoodie. she ran out of the room and back down the stairs, determined to find out whose apartment this was, she obviously lived here at some point.

she walked out of the apartment, going back to the ground floor. she quickly located the mail box, punching the door open and grabbing out the few letters than filled it. the top one read the name of the man sasha was sent to kill, derek hale. she flipped it over, trying to figure out who it was from. braeden was the name that the return address was sent to, just another name that was unfamiliar.

sasha hated forgetting, barely knowing anything about her life or anyone in it. all she knew is that she needed find derek, he had to know more than she did.


sasha ran down the school halls, following the scent of derek hale mixed with the suffocating smell of blood. she heard a loud roar, one she hadn't heard before but still sent shivers down her spine.

she turned a corner to see a boy, around his mid twenties, his eyes yellow as he caught an arrow. a woman of similar age ran up behind him, getting ready to stop allison, who stood in front of a bleeding derek, reloading her bow.

so much was happening around sasha, she was sure she was about to faint. all she knew that derek must have answers for her, and he wouldn't be able to give them to her if he was dead.

"no!" she yelled as allison was about to shoot the man. sasha ran up, grabbing the girls arm and pushing her into the wall. allisons eyes flickered for the smallest of moments, frozen as her body crashed against the stone. sasha panted, not knowing what to do next.

she didn't have much time to think however, as allison dropped the bow, sending it clattering to the ground. the girl reached into her white jacket and pulled out a ring knife. sasha tried pushing it away as the girl swung at her. she bent back, the dagger barely missing her face.

"sasha?" she heard derek sputter as blood filled his mouth.

footsteps came running down the hall and the two fighting girls froze to turn their heads as two people, who sasha recognised from the forest came running down the hall.

sasha looked back to where allison was a moment ago, but she was missing. sasha cursed, looking back at the two approaching adults, before turning again and running down the other direction of the hall, away from the commotion.

bee speaks...

tempted to make thiam canon in this rn...

the colour theory using allisons and sashas jackets though hahah i'm so smart.

i know this is a short chapter but next one we finally get to sashas backstory

also the parallels between this and my bonus chapter

damn, it's was january when i posted the last chapter so idek if anyone will read this but thank you if you are. summers basically here so i'll be updating more i hope once i get my exams done

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