19. The Hunt

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"I know you so well
You know that I can TELL
The slightest difference
in your facial EXPRESSION "

-ok, wallows

"this doesn't make any sense." derek shifted restlessly from foot to door. "the public pool is all the way in the other side of the woods. we haven't tracked them anywhere near there."

"derek they killed someone." scott said.

"how are they moving so fast?"


"they can't be that fast on foot!"

"they killed someone. some totally innocent kid is dead. and it's our fault"

"please don't say that." sasha said, her voice shaking as she got upset. "i cant....i cant...not again." she whispered, isaac must've hearded her though, like he always did. he looked down at her, brushing his hand against hers, trying to comfort one.

"we need help." scott broke the silence.

"we've isaac now." derek nodded towards the boy

"i mean real help." scott said. the three heads darted up at him. "they're too fast for us, for all of us. they're too strong, too rabid."

"we'll catch them."

"what happens if we do?" isaac asked. "we're just gonna hold them down until the sun comes up?"

"maybe it would be easier just to kill them." derek said

"killing them isn't the right thing to do." scott shook his head

"what if it's the only thing to do?" isaac spoke up. "if we can't even catch them what else do we do?"

"find someone who knows what they're doing."

"who?" derek looked up

"someone who knows how to hunt werewolves."


argent spun around, pointing a gun between scott and sashas face. "woah!" she jumped back.

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