07. The Training

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"And when the seasons CHANGE
Will you stand by me?
'Cause I'm a young man built to FALL"

-mind over matter, young the giant



where's are you

what's going on

answer me!


sasha whatever's going
on you can talk to me

why'd you leave

please answer

we're worried


sash scott told me what

you okay

just let me know you're safe

sasha turned her phone off for the fifth time that day, not answering anyone's messages.

"knock knock" isaac was leaning against the empty doorway, peering into the girls so called bedroom.

"hey." sasha sighed putting her phone in her pocket. "thanks for knocking."

"no problem, although i recommend a door."

"mhm, you should tell derek that. he keeps on saying we'll move again soon but here we are, in an abandoned warehouse."

"i could think of worse places. may i come in?"

"why yes sir" sasha said in a british accent causing the lahey boy to roll his eyes. he came over and sat down on the windowsill next to sasha.

"nice setup." he nodded sarcastically looking around the room.

"why thank you. as you can see i put in a lot effort." she smiled looking at the mattress lying on the floor, the old wardrobe and trunk.

"you should be an interior designer. i mean damn, you got all the essentials, i mean a mattress, who would've thought."

"shut up!" she banged into his shoulders. "it's better than your old sofa."

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